These are the most recent alumni of our Journalist Fellowship Programme. You can find the ones from before 2006 via this link. Job titles and bio information were correct as of each Journalist Fellow's fellowship year. Updates may have been made but some information may now be outdated.

Dr Erik Bucy
Marshall and Sharleen Formby Regents Professor, Texas Tech
Si Si

Grzegorz Piechota
Google Digital News Senior Visiting Research Fellow
Juan Señor

Frances Stead Sellers
Senior Writer, Washington Post
Frances Stead Sellers has been covering the US presidential race for the Washington Post, where she is a member of the national political staff, focusing on in-depth features about the leading candidates, from Hillary Clinton’s breakout moment as an undergraduate at Wellesley College to Bernie Sanders’s response to the God question and Donald Trump’s treatment of women. She was a key member of the Post team that produced the best-selling biography “Trump Revealed.”

Stephen Reese

Narasimhan Ravi

Juan Artero
Associate Professor of Journalism at University of Zaragoza, Spain
Juan P. Artero (Zaragoza, 1979) is an Associate Professor of Journalism at University of Zaragoza, Spain. He attended a BA in Audiovisual Communication at University of Navarra (2001), a MSc in Management at City University London (2005) and a PhD in Media Management at University of Navarra (2006).

Scott R. Maier

Kenneth Payne
Patrick Barwise
Emeritus Professor of Management and Marketing at London Business School

Mónica Herrero

Eva Nowak

Bernd Blöbaum
Professor for Communication Studies at the University of Münster
Since 2001, Bernd Blöbaum is Professor for Communication Studies at the University of Münster, with a focus on media theory and practice. He is also Coordinator of the Research Training Group "Trust and Communication in a Digitized World" funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) as well as Director of the Graduate School of Communication Science (GSCS) at the University of Münster. From 2002-2007, he further held the post as Head of Department.

Atte Jääskeläinen
Colleen Murrell

Andrew Jack

Servet Yanatma

Donald Matheson

Dr Mary Lynn Young

Jane Suiter
Paolo Mancini

Dr John Oliver

Kim Christian Schrøder
Laurence Lustgarten

Irene Costera Meijer

Anita Zielina
Digital Innovation Strategist
Libby Lester

Bruno Patino