AI is central to the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism’s mission to explore the future of journalism worldwide. Since 2016, we have worked with journalists and editors, technologists, and others to better understand what the development of artificial intelligence might mean for the future of news, and published research on various aspects of this.
Here you can find more information about what we are doing around AI for practising journalists covering these technologies and the issues they raise, for editors and news media executives navigating what they might mean for the industry, and for everyone interested in learning more about AI and the future of news from our research and our original reporting. | Learn more | Sign up for updates on our AI work
Our three key priorities
We bring research, original reporting, and world-class computer scientists from the University of Oxford to discussions around AI and the future of news.
We host private sessions where journalists, editors, and executives can learn about AI without the pressure to be “on message.”
We want to enable discussions that take a broader view than “what can journalists and news media do with AI” and also consider AI as a topic to cover, a reason for concern for many journalists, and something they need to try to understand.
By focusing on these three key priorities we hope to enrich a discussion also enabled by many other interesting initiatives including JournalismAI from LSE's think tank Polis, AI Journalism Lab from CUNY, the AI Elections Initiative from Aspen Digital, AI Unlocked from WAN-IFRA and others.
How is the Institute's work on AI structured?
Digital Deep Dives on AI for practising journalists with computer scientists and social scientists from the University of Oxford and elsewhere to connect practice and research.
AI show-and-tell sessions for editors and news media executives to talk through concrete examples of work they are doing with AI and share lessons learnt.
Research on how leaders in digital news approach AI, how news organisations have responded, how the public thinks about AI in journalism, and much more.
Original reporting on how journalists and media executives are leveraging these technologies to strengthen their reporting and their business models, and how they approach coverage of this issue.

OK computer? Understanding public attitudes towards the uses of generative AI in news

How AI is reshaping copyright law and what it means for the news industry

What DeepSeek may mean for the future of journalism and generative AI

Who owns the AI tools journalists use? A new study exposes a dangerous transparency gap

This journalist wants you to try open-source AI: “AI is shiny, but value comes from the ideas people have to use it”

AI expert Agnes Stenbom: “We need to better tell our users how journalism is different from other forms of information”

How AI chatbots responded to questions about the 2024 UK election

How AI chatbots responded to basic questions about the 2024 European Elections right before the vote

How Norway’s public broadcaster uses AI-generated summaries to reach younger audiences

How Rest of World is tracking AI use around elections worldwide

AI newsroom guidelines look very similar, says a researcher who studied them. He thinks this is bad news

Generative AI is already helping fact-checkers. But it’s proving less useful in small languages and outside the West

What’s wrong with the robots? An Oxford researcher explains how we can better illustrate AI news stories

Spotting the deepfakes: how AI detection tools work and where they fail

Nordic AI in Media Summit 2024: Five projects you should keep an eye on

Julia Angwin: “AI makes it much easier to flood the zone with misinformation”

AI, lies and conspiracy theories: How Latinos became a key target for misinformation in the US election

AI deepfakes, bad laws – and a big fat Indian election

How AI disinformation might impact this year’s elections and how journalists should report on it

ChatGPT is now online: here’s a look at how it browses and reports the latest news

Will AI-generated images create a new crisis for fact-checkers? Experts are not so sure

How media managers think AI might transform the news ecosystem

2023 round tables on AI and the global news industry

Tips from the author of AP guidelines on how to cover AI

When AI meets creative writing: an audio experiment at Czech Radio

The day AI clones took over a Swiss radio station

Meet NAT, the AI-generated presenter offering soft news to Mexican audiences

Is it a good idea to use AI to clone real journalists’ voices? It depends how you interpret the question

How AI can help journalists rebuild a fraying connection with their audiences

Neither humans-in-the-loop nor transparency labels will save the news media when it comes to AI

We need clarity about the deals between AI companies and news publishers. Here’s why

How news coverage, often uncritical, helps build up the AI hype

How the news ecosystem might look like in the age of generative AI

How I used generative AI to turn a powerful long-form story into an illustrated video

How small Colombian investigative outlet Cuestión Pública is using AI to stay relevant on social media

I trained an AI model with my own scripts and created a chatbot to help journalists make viral vertical videos

I created an AI chatbot to speak to my country’s budget. Here’s how I did it
Our work on AI and the future of news is supported by initial seed funding from our launch partners at Reuters.

Our Digital Deep Dives on AI are in partnership with the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

The Institute’s core funding comes from the Thomson Reuters Foundation. Beyond this, we receive support from a wide range of other funders including academic funding bodies, foundations, news media, technology companies, regulators, and others, and earn income from leadership development programmes and other activities. More about our funding here.