Kim Christian Schrøder
Kim Christian Schrøder is Professor of Communication at the Department of Communication and Arts, Roskilde University, Denmark.
His co-authored and co-edited books in English include Audience transformations: Shifting audience positions in late modernity (2014), Museum communication and social media: The connected museum (2013), Researching audiences (2003), Media cultures (1992), and The Language of Advertising (1985). He has published widely in journals such as Media, Culture & Society, Journalism Studies, Digital Journalism and Participations - Journal of Audience and Reception Studies.
His research interests comprise the theoretical, methodological and analytical aspects of audience uses and experiences of media, with particular reference to the challenges of methodological pluralism. He has recently argued that audience dynamics should be an integral part of mediatization theory (2017). He was section chair of the COST Action Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies (2010-2014). His recent work explores different methods for mapping news consumption and includes the Danish part of the annual Reuters Institute Digital News Report as well as qualitative studies of repertoires of news consumption.
Professor Schrøder’s project, “Between Normative and lifeworld understandings of News: Exploring media repertoires in the age of ‘unbundled news’” asks how can we better understand people’s lived experiences with (news) media across the communicative figurations of everyday life and will aim to generate new knowledge about the micro-dynamics of news consumption as a civic resource in the contemporary news media ecology.