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Digital News Report 2022

Digital News Report 2022


This year's report reveals new insights about digital news consumption based on a YouGov survey of over 93,000 online news consumers in 46 markets covering half of the world's population.

The report documents ways in which the connection between journalism and the public may be fraying, including a fall in trust following last year’s positive bump, a declining interest in news and a rise in news avoidance. It also looks at audience polarisation and explores how young people access news. | Start reading

Explore the most recent edition of the Digital News Report in this link.

Highlights from countries

USA. Only 26% of Americans trust news generally, a 3-point decrease and the lowest figure on our sample.

India is a strongly mobile-focused market, with 72% accessing news through smartphones.

South Africa. 65% share news via social or email, one of the highest figures from our sample.

UK. 46% say they avoid the news sometimes or often. This is almost twice the level seen in 2016.

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Previous reports: 20212020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012

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Country reports in national languages

AUSTRIA: Digital News Report Network Austria | BELGIUM: SMIT, Vrije Universiteit Brussel | GERMANY: Leibniz-Institut für Medienforschung. | NETHERLANDS: Commissariaat voor de Media | SPAIN: Center for Internet Studies and Digital Life, Universidad de Navarra. | PORTUGAL: Observatório da Comunicação. | DENMARK: Roskilde University
Published by the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism.

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