Gretel is a Panamanian journalist. Previously, she worked for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) in Montreal covering daily news for radio and web.

“People who distrust us depend on us in ways that they may not have even grappled with yet”
Jelani Cobb, Ritu Kapur, Stephen Ansolabehere and Mitali Mukherjee discussed news influencers, trust and press freedom at the 2025 Memorial Lecture.

A merced de una tormenta perfecta: Así golpean los recortes de Trump al periodismo fuera de Estados Unidos
De Ucrania a El Salvador, decenas de medios se han visto afectados. Quince periodistas hablan del impacto de este problema y de cómo afrontarlo.

Shattered by a perfect storm: How Trump’s cuts are crippling journalism beyond the United States
From Ukraine to El Salvador, newsrooms have been hit by cuts in USAID and other programmes. Fifteen editors discuss the impact and how to fight back.

Estos cinco medios prueban que el periodismo puede prosperar sin dueños multimillonarios
Estos periódicos de Argentina, Francia, Escocia, España y Uruguay son propiedad de sus periodistas, un modelo que blinda su independencia.

These five newspapers prove journalism can thrive without billionaire owners
Owned by their journalists, these outlets from Argentina, France, Scotland, Spain and Uruguay see their model as key to their independence.

How AI is reshaping copyright law and what it means for the news industry
Experts Alina Trapova and Christian Mammen on the current legal landscape and what to expect from deals and lawsuits in the years to come.

Así afrontan los verificadores de datos el probable fin de su acuerdo con Meta
Periodistas de Brasil, Croacia, Italia, Nigeria, Ucrania y Filipinas explican los posibles efectos para sus ingresos y para la esfera pública.

Amid war, vicious attacks and political turmoil, global fact-checkers fear the impact of the end of Meta’s programme
Fact-checkers from Brazil, Croatia, Italy, Nigeria, Ukraine and the Philippines explain the potential effects for their revenue and their news ecosystem.

How 2024 shaped journalism: insights from the Reuters Institute’s work
From AI to digital platforms, our researchers and reporters have explored the future of journalism this year. Here’s what they found.

These reporters wrote a book on Musk’s Twitter takeover. Here’s what they think is next for journalism and X
Kate Conger and Ryan Mac on Musk’s election interference, his courting of strongmen, X’s predictable decline and Bluesky’s improbable rise.

Así atraen estos periódicos argentinos a cientos de miles de suscriptores pese a la inflación
Clarín y La Nación han logrado triunfar donde muchos alrededor del mundo han fracasado. Aquí es cómo lo han hecho.

How these Argentinian newspapers attracted hundreds of thousands of subscribers amid rising inflation
Clarín and La Nación managed to make so much progress where many around the world have failed. Here’s how they’ve done it.