People walk near signs for the European Elections, at the EU Parliament in Brussels in May. REUTERS/Johanna Geron
People walk near signs for the European Elections, at the EU Parliament in Brussels in May. REUTERS/Johanna Geron
Nearly 373 million European citizens are eligible to vote in the 2024 European Parliament elections to be held this weekend across the 27 member states. With AI assistants becoming more popular for quickly finding information online, we wanted to explore whether popular chatbots provide accurate and well-sourced answers on key questions around the EU elections – such as what the EU elections are all about – and if they would be able to deal with some pieces of misinformation that have circulated ahead of the elections in recent weeks.
AI companies have recently pledged to limit the potential for election misinformation on their platforms and to provide users with accurate information about election processes. For instance, OpenAI announced in January 2024 that ChatGPT would direct users to authoritative sources such as the European Parliament’s official voting information site ahead of the 2024 European Parliament elections. Google has been limiting the answers its AI chatbot Gemini gives to users in relation to election questions. As of today, they have rolled out this policy for India, the US, the UK, and the EU. Meanwhile, although Perplexity.ai has not publicly or officially disclosed its policies surrounding election queries, in a statement to The Verge, its CEO said Perplexity’s algorithms prioritize ‘reliable and reputable sources like news outlets’ and that it always provides links so users can verify its output.
However, several investigations have revealed ongoing issues with these systems. German investigative outlet Correctiv found in May that Google Gemini, Microsoft Copilot, and ChatGPT 3.5 provided inaccurate political information, fabricated sources, and gave inconsistent answers including about the EU elections. Similarly, in the US, Proof News reported that AI companies like OpenAI and Anthropic struggled to maintain their promises of providing accurate election information for the US. At the end of 2023, European nonprofit AI Forensics and NGO Algorithm Watch investigated how Microsoft Copilot returned information about the Swiss Federal elections and the German state elections in Hesse and Bavaria. They describe finding a ‘systemic problem’ of errors and ‘evasive answers’ in many of the responses.
We wanted to complement these investigations by exploring the kinds of responses people might get when they ask chatbots questions about the EU elections in the final days of the campaign. To generate some examples, we asked three popular chatbots six election-related questions each in four different EU countries. We focused on France, Germany, Italy and Spain because they are the EU countries with the largest populations. We used ChatGPT4o, Google Gemini and Perplexity.ai to ask the questions – OpenAI’s and Google’s chatbots are the most widely used AI tools in various countries while Perplexity.ai has been popular with some users due to the sourcing it provides, and at the time of writing, that it is free to access.
To see the kinds of responses chatbots provide, we asked six easily verifiable questions (arguably a low bar for the chatbots to meet). We asked three questions focusing on very basic election information:
In addition, we asked three questions on debunked claims around the EU and the EU elections, using the European Fact-Checking Standards Network’s Elections24Check database of fact-checked claims related to 2024 European elections. The questions we selected were:
We translated these questions into German, Italian, French and Spanish with the help of country experts (see table below) and then, using a VPN, asked each chatbot (in default setting) each question in all four countries on 4 and 5 June 2024.
These are just a few very basic questions and a few of many debunked claims, and it is important to emphasise both that this is not a piece of systematic academic research and that our analysis only reflects the situation at the time of writing as the chatbots continue to change.
We received a variety of responses to our questions. Most systems provided an answer that addressed the question we asked, except for Google’s Gemini chatbot. In all four countries, Gemini usually replied instead that it was still learning how to respond, directing us to Google Search instead – likely a result of Google’s policy to limit election-related answers.
We saw examples of correct answers. And in many of these cases, the chatbots were also able to provide references. In the answer below, for example, ChatGPT4o correctly debunks the false claim that the European Commission will impose water restrictions on the population, including shower restrictions. To support its claim, the chatbot cites European government websites that detail the Commission’s current stance on water usage. In addition, it cites an example from Catalonia, where water restrictions were imposed on the population, particularly when it comes to showering in sports facilities.
However, we also saw examples of answers that were only partially correct and a few that were entirely false. Some answers seemed to be based on out-of-date information. For example, when asked about the number of Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) that will be elected this year, GPT-4o responded with the current number of members (705), which will change at this election, increasing to 720. This happened when it was asked in Italian and German, although not in French and Spanish. In both cases where it gave the wrong response, it didn't appear to have accessed the Internet, and did not provide any sources.
ChatGPT’s German response above incorrectly states that a total of 705 MEPs will be elected in the 2024 European elections (the actual number is 720).
Another example of an incorrect response came when we asked Perplexity.ai about the debunked claim that people will be able to vote for more than one party by writing in percentages in more than one box on the ballot paper. For Italy, it cites the correct information about Italy’s preferential voting system but draws the incorrect conclusion that this means people are allowed to vote for more than one party. In fact, the preferential system only allows voters to select one list from the ballot paper, and then gives them the option to write in the names of up to three preferences for individual candidates belonging to that list.
ChatGPT 4o also gave an incorrect answer to this question in Spanish as it did not deny the false claim. In a rather non-committal answer, the chatbot said that while electoral systems vary amongst countries, percentage voting is not permitted in most countries. In fact, for every country taking part in the European Parliament elections, any alteration to the ballot (which would include writing percentages) would nullify the vote.
In the partially correct responses, the systems generally addressed the overall claim accurately but sometimes provided outdated information from the last election, included irrelevant details, or got specific details wrong.
We asked Perplexity.ai in German about the debunked claim that EU officials have approved a retirement age of 50 for themselves. While giving the correct response that this claim is false, and that the real retirement age is higher, the chatbot then provided contradictory statements about the actual age of retirement and cited an outdated decision from 2004. Similarly, in the Spanish case, Google’s Gemini correctly classified this claim as false. However, the chatbot then gave the incorrect information that the minimum retirement age is 60. In fact, EU civil servants are entitled to a pension from the age of 66.
Many responses contained sources, with Google’s Gemini (when not simply pointing users to Google Search) and Perplexity.ai consistently giving sources for all their answers. ChatGPT, too, often provided links.
The sources provided in all countries were a mixture of encyclopaedic references (predominantly from Wikipedia), official election websites from national governments or the European Union (usually the official website for the European elections) or general sites like government portals. In some cases, the chatbots cited the websites of local government branches and councils, as well as news organisations and fact-checkers (e.g. Newtral, El País, BBC, Le Monde, DPA or POLITICO).
However, we also encountered answers that were only partially correct and a few that were false, even with a relatively low bar of very basic election questions and already debunked claims. This raises an important question: which kind of response we would have potentially received for more complex, or consequential questions or if we had asked these systems about false narratives that have not yet been addressed by fact-checkers?
Sometimes, the same chatbot provided a correct answer in one language, but a partially correct or false one in others – an issue that connects to criticism that chatbots perform better in some languages and contexts than others due to their training. Although we can't say how widespread these problems are, they are nonetheless apparent.
Users may not always notice these errors (and we often only did when we checked the answers claim by claim), given the authoritative tone of these systems and how they provide a single answer instead of a list of results. In some cases (such as the issue of whether you can write in a percentage on your ballot) if people acted on the output generated, their vote would be nullified – a potential consequence of relying on such a system that is more consequential than being misinformed about the retirement age of EU bureaucrats. While all systems provide small disclaimers about potential inaccuracies, we can't say how much attention people pay to these and if so, how this affects their perception.
It’s important to note that the overall usage of these AI systems for information and news is still relatively low. People also tend to consume information – and political information – from a variety of sources, including traditional media, search, and from friends and family. All of this will likely serve as a buffer, reducing the impact of any errors or inaccuracies from a single source, such as an AI system.
While we need a better, systematic understanding, on a representative scale, of how well these systems perform, especially as more people use them and come to rely upon them in various ways, including for political information, it is worth remembering that they are just one piece in the larger puzzle of how people stay informed and make sense of the world.
We thank Priscille Biehlmann for her support with the French questions and Rasmus Nielsen for his suggestions during the editing process.
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