Maleeha Siddiqui
News Editor, Mingpao Newspaper, Hong Kong
Margaret Ng Wing Chu
Journalist, ABC TV
Margot O'Neill
Editor, The RBCC Bulletin, Russia
Maria Semenova
Mark Corcoran
Writer, Forbes Slovakia
Marta Durianova
Journalist, Kurier and Futurezone
Michael Leitner
Co-founder and editor, Mashallah News
Micheline Tobia
Michelle Henery
Freelance journalist and author
Mikal Hverven Hem
News Editor for the Finnish News Agency, Finland, Helsinki
Mimma Lehtovaara
News Editor, Kauppalehti (Finnish Business Daily)
Mirjami Saarinen
Columnist at Jurnalul Naţional and political commentator for Realitatea TV, Romania
Miruna Munteanu
Reporter for Al-Ahram Weekly, Egypt
Mohamed El-Sayed
Freelance radio producer and journalist at ORF
Monika Kalcsics
Head Deputy of Foreign Affairs Desk, Al -Ahram Daily Newspaper, Al Ahram Press Foundation