Mujeres y liderazgo en los medios informativos en 2025: evidencias de 12 mercados En este informe analizamos la desigualdad de género en el liderazgo de las salas de redacción, a partir de una muestra estratégica de 240 grandes medios online y offline en 12 mercados.
Mujeres y liderazgo en los medios informativos en 2025: evidencias de 12 mercados En este informe analizamos la desigualdad de género en el liderazgo de las salas de redacción, a partir de una muestra estratégica de 240 grandes medios online y offline en 12 mercados.
Women and leadership in the news media 2025: Evidence from 12 markets In this Reuters Institute factsheet we analyse the gender breakdown of top editors in a strategic sample of 240 major online and offline news outlets in 12 different markets.
Women and leadership in the news media 2025: Evidence from 12 markets In this Reuters Institute factsheet we analyse the gender breakdown of top editors in a strategic sample of 240 major online and offline news outlets in 12 different markets.
Perceptions, power, and polarisation: the political impact of UK fact-checking Through interviews with UK politicians, strategists, and advisers, this project investigates whether fact-checking changes how politicians craft their messages.
Perceptions, power, and polarisation: the political impact of UK fact-checking Through interviews with UK politicians, strategists, and advisers, this project investigates whether fact-checking changes how politicians craft their messages.
An eight-point guide to better collaboration with fixers in Taiwan The Straits Times' Taiwan Correspondent, Yip Wai Yee, explores the fractured relationship between foreign journalists and Taiwanese fixers.
An eight-point guide to better collaboration with fixers in Taiwan The Straits Times' Taiwan Correspondent, Yip Wai Yee, explores the fractured relationship between foreign journalists and Taiwanese fixers.
The Patriot effect: Israel’s shifting civil discourse under Netanyahu Davide Lerner explores shifting trends in the Israeli media space through the lens of Channel 14's most popular TV show.
The Patriot effect: Israel’s shifting civil discourse under Netanyahu Davide Lerner explores shifting trends in the Israeli media space through the lens of Channel 14's most popular TV show.
What Gaza teaches us about improving Singapore’s coverage of race and religion Presenting only one or a few perspectives risks oversimplifying the Gaza conflict and giving a skewed picture, argues Arlina Arshad.
What Gaza teaches us about improving Singapore’s coverage of race and religion Presenting only one or a few perspectives risks oversimplifying the Gaza conflict and giving a skewed picture, argues Arlina Arshad.
“People who distrust us depend on us in ways that they may not have even grappled with yet” Jelani Cobb, Ritu Kapur, Stephen Ansolabehere and Mitali Mukherjee discussed news influencers, trust and press freedom at the 2025 Memorial Lecture.
“People who distrust us depend on us in ways that they may not have even grappled with yet” Jelani Cobb, Ritu Kapur, Stephen Ansolabehere and Mitali Mukherjee discussed news influencers, trust and press freedom at the 2025 Memorial Lecture.
Texto de la Reuters Memorial Lecture 2025 de Jelani Cobb: Problemas de confianza. Credibilidad, credulidad y periodismo en tiempo de crisis El 10 de marzo el decano de la Escuela de Periodismo de la Universidad de Columbia ofreció la Reuters Memorial Lecture 2025. Aquí una transcripción.
Texto de la Reuters Memorial Lecture 2025 de Jelani Cobb: Problemas de confianza. Credibilidad, credulidad y periodismo en tiempo de crisis El 10 de marzo el decano de la Escuela de Periodismo de la Universidad de Columbia ofreció la Reuters Memorial Lecture 2025. Aquí una transcripción.
Full text of Jelani Cobb's 2025 Reuters Memorial Lecture: Trust issues. Credibility, credulity and journalism in a time of crisis On 10 March the Columbia Journalism Dean delivered the 2025 Reuters Memorial Lecture. Here's the transcript of his talk.
Full text of Jelani Cobb's 2025 Reuters Memorial Lecture: Trust issues. Credibility, credulity and journalism in a time of crisis On 10 March the Columbia Journalism Dean delivered the 2025 Reuters Memorial Lecture. Here's the transcript of his talk.
A merced de una tormenta perfecta: Así golpean los recortes de Trump al periodismo fuera de Estados Unidos De Ucrania a El Salvador, decenas de medios se han visto afectados. Quince periodistas hablan del impacto de este problema y de cómo afrontarlo.
A merced de una tormenta perfecta: Así golpean los recortes de Trump al periodismo fuera de Estados Unidos De Ucrania a El Salvador, decenas de medios se han visto afectados. Quince periodistas hablan del impacto de este problema y de cómo afrontarlo.
Shattered by a perfect storm: How Trump’s cuts are crippling journalism beyond the United States From Ukraine to El Salvador, newsrooms have been hit by cuts in USAID and other programmes.
Shattered by a perfect storm: How Trump’s cuts are crippling journalism beyond the United States From Ukraine to El Salvador, newsrooms have been hit by cuts in USAID and other programmes.
How newsrooms can track (and reduce) their own carbon emissions ‘Le Monde’ and the ‘Guardian’ have managed to make progress in reducing their environmental footprint. Here’s what they've learnt along the way.
How newsrooms can track (and reduce) their own carbon emissions ‘Le Monde’ and the ‘Guardian’ have managed to make progress in reducing their environmental footprint. Here’s what they've learnt along the way.
Perú Los principales medios peruanos se han visto gravemente afectados por la recesión económica, sus ingresos publicitarios se han derrumbado y esto ha provocado despidos y recortes de gastos.
Perú Los principales medios peruanos se han visto gravemente afectados por la recesión económica, sus ingresos publicitarios se han derrumbado y esto ha provocado despidos y recortes de gastos.
The 2025 Reuters Memorial Lecture Dean of the Columbia Journalism School, Dr Jelani Cobb, will deliver the 2025 Reuters Memorial Lecture.
The 2025 Reuters Memorial Lecture Dean of the Columbia Journalism School, Dr Jelani Cobb, will deliver the 2025 Reuters Memorial Lecture.
Three years, eight countries: How climate news shapes public views Seven takeaways from the event on our report on how audiences follow climate change
Three years, eight countries: How climate news shapes public views Seven takeaways from the event on our report on how audiences follow climate change
Fellowship Takeaways podcast series Bite-sized insights for the modern journalist from the Reuters Institute.
Fellowship Takeaways podcast series Bite-sized insights for the modern journalist from the Reuters Institute.
AI and the Future of Audio series A five-part series exploring the interestection between AI and audio.
AI and the Future of Audio series A five-part series exploring the interestection between AI and audio.
Digital News Report 2024 launch events Join us for the launch of the most comprehensive study of news consumption worldwide, covering 47 markets around the world.
Digital News Report 2024 launch events Join us for the launch of the most comprehensive study of news consumption worldwide, covering 47 markets around the world.