Content Editor
Priscille is the Content Editor for the Institute’s Newsroom Leadership programmes, where she is responsible for drafting course material and helping with the design and delivery of our courses.
Prior to joining the Reuters Institute, she worked in academic publishing on media and journalism textbooks, and as a freelance science and culture journalist.
She completed her MSc in Political Media and Communication at the University of Glasgow, and her BA in Politics and History at McGill University in Montréal.

How newsrooms can track (and reduce) their own carbon emissions
‘Le Monde’ and the ‘Guardian’ have managed to make progress in reducing their environmental footprint. Here’s what they've learnt along the way.

Five tips for building a culture of care in your newsroom: Strategies for newsroom leaders
“You need to demonstrate the highest values yourself,” says media consultant Jeremy Clifford.

Comment la presse catholique se réinvente dans une Europe laïque
'La Croix' en France et 'Avvenire' en Italie attirent de nouveaux publics en abordant les enjeux climatiques et le pouvoir dans l'Église.

These two European Catholic newspapers are reinventing themselves in a secular society
‘La Croix’ in France and ‘Avvenire’ in Italy are gaining subscribers and reaching new audiences by covering climate and breaking scoops on the Church.

How these three Zillennial media leaders approach management in multigenerational newsrooms
Mayu Kato, Jasper Wilkins and Anna Lagos are part of this micro-generation that sits in between Millennials and Gen Z. Here's how they see their job.

Mar Cabra from The Self-Investigation on how media leaders can protect their teams (and themselves) from burnout
Cabra’s exhaustion after winning a Pulitzer Prize encouraged her to help others. In this interview she offers valuable tips for newsroom managers.

Regards sur l'avenir du journalisme : Retours sur Médias en Seine 2023
Les thèmes discutés: de l'éducation aux médias à l'engagement des jeunes publics, en passant par les stratégies pour un recrutement plus inclusif.

Médias en Seine 2023: what we learnt at this annual French festival about the future of news
Speakers discussed media literacy, reaching young audiences, strategies for making newsrooms more diverse and building news products around archival footage.

(Very) young audiences: How a magazine uses comics to tell the news to French kids
TOPO uses graphic novel techniques to tackle complex issues for its teenage audience. It's reached 5,000 subscribers since its launch in 2016.

Five tips on newsroom leadership from the International Journalism Festival 2023
Being an intentional leader is difficult. Here are a few useful quotes we heard in Perugia from speakers we admire and respect.

International Journalism Festival 2023: what we learnt in Perugia about the future of news
Here are a few highlights from the festival on topics such as press freedom, investigative journalism, climate coverage and AI.