Join our global journalism seminar series online from October to December 2021 Speakers for the seminars, chaired by Meera Selva, include Oscar winner Bryan Fogel, Jacqueline Charles and Ann M. Simmons.
Join our global journalism seminar series online from October to December 2021 Speakers for the seminars, chaired by Meera Selva, include Oscar winner Bryan Fogel, Jacqueline Charles and Ann M. Simmons.
Reuters Institute presentations at American Political Science Association conference Our researchers share research on voter engagement, trust and impartiality, and misinformation in India.
Reuters Institute presentations at American Political Science Association conference Our researchers share research on voter engagement, trust and impartiality, and misinformation in India.
10 Journalist Fellows from nine countries join the Reuters Institute in October 2021 The global cohort will spend time with us in Oxford exploring the future of journalism worldwide.
10 Journalist Fellows from nine countries join the Reuters Institute in October 2021 The global cohort will spend time with us in Oxford exploring the future of journalism worldwide.
Our podcast: Digital News Report 2021. Episode 6. Impartiality unpacked: a study of four countries "These partisan voices have their role. But people really a clear dividing line between that and the news," says our researcher Craig T. Robertson.
Our podcast: Digital News Report 2021. Episode 6. Impartiality unpacked: a study of four countries "These partisan voices have their role. But people really a clear dividing line between that and the news," says our researcher Craig T. Robertson.
Our podcast: Digital News Report 2021. Episode 3: Perceptions of fair news coverage among different groups "If people think that a specific aspect of their lives does not receive enough news coverage then they’re more likely to think it’s covered unfairly," says Richard Fletcher
Our podcast: Digital News Report 2021. Episode 3: Perceptions of fair news coverage among different groups "If people think that a specific aspect of their lives does not receive enough news coverage then they’re more likely to think it’s covered unfairly," says Richard Fletcher
Digital News Report 2021, out on 23 June Our annual survey will cover 46 countries including six new ones: India, Indonesia, Nigeria, Thailand, Colombia and Peru.
Digital News Report 2021, out on 23 June Our annual survey will cover 46 countries including six new ones: India, Indonesia, Nigeria, Thailand, Colombia and Peru.
Lo que creemos que sabemos y lo que no sabemos sobre la confianza en las noticias Resumen en español del primer informe del Projecto de Confianza en las Noticias.
Lo que creemos que sabemos y lo que no sabemos sobre la confianza en las noticias Resumen en español del primer informe del Projecto de Confianza en las Noticias.
O que achamos que sabemos e o que queremos saber: perspectivas sobre confiança nas notícias num mundo em mudança
O que achamos que sabemos e o que queremos saber: perspectivas sobre confiança nas notícias num mundo em mudança
What we think we know and what we want to know: perspectives on trust in news in a changing world A report by Benjamin Toff, Sumitra Badrinathan, Camila Mont'Alverne, Amy Ross Arguedas, Richard Fletcher and Rasmus Nielsen.
What we think we know and what we want to know: perspectives on trust in news in a changing world A report by Benjamin Toff, Sumitra Badrinathan, Camila Mont'Alverne, Amy Ross Arguedas, Richard Fletcher and Rasmus Nielsen.
Daily news podcasts: building new habits in the shadow of coronavirus This report looks at the growth in popularity of daily news podcasts around the world, their various formats, and audience listening patterns.
Daily news podcasts: building new habits in the shadow of coronavirus This report looks at the growth in popularity of daily news podcasts around the world, their various formats, and audience listening patterns.
Race and leadership in the news media 2020: evidence from five markets This factsheet analyses the percentage of non-white top editors in five countries.
Race and leadership in the news media 2020: evidence from five markets This factsheet analyses the percentage of non-white top editors in five countries.
Volume and Patterns of Toxicity in Social Media Conversations During the COVID-19 Pandemic Research looks at worldwide conversations on Twitter during the coronavirus outbreak and the extent to which posts targeted the World Health Organization.
Volume and Patterns of Toxicity in Social Media Conversations During the COVID-19 Pandemic Research looks at worldwide conversations on Twitter during the coronavirus outbreak and the extent to which posts targeted the World Health Organization.