Estos cinco medios prueban que el periodismo puede prosperar sin dueños multimillonarios Estos periódicos de Argentina, Francia, Escocia, España y Uruguay son propiedad de sus periodistas, un modelo que blinda su independencia.
Estos cinco medios prueban que el periodismo puede prosperar sin dueños multimillonarios Estos periódicos de Argentina, Francia, Escocia, España y Uruguay son propiedad de sus periodistas, un modelo que blinda su independencia.
These five newspapers prove journalism can thrive without billionaire owners Owned by their journalists, these outlets from Argentina, France, Scotland, Spain and Uruguay see their model as key to their independence.
These five newspapers prove journalism can thrive without billionaire owners Owned by their journalists, these outlets from Argentina, France, Scotland, Spain and Uruguay see their model as key to their independence.
News for young people by young people: How this new Spanish outlet aims to reach an elusive audience Cofounder Mar Manrique discusses the ideas behind Watif, an outlet focused on future-minded topics and producing newsletters, podcasts, and events.
News for young people by young people: How this new Spanish outlet aims to reach an elusive audience Cofounder Mar Manrique discusses the ideas behind Watif, an outlet focused on future-minded topics and producing newsletters, podcasts, and events.
Our podcast: What people really want from platforms Co-authors of our report on public attitudes towards platforms break down findings around news use, trust, biases, regulation, and more.
Our podcast: What people really want from platforms Co-authors of our report on public attitudes towards platforms break down findings around news use, trust, biases, regulation, and more.
Most AI avatars look female, young and attractive. Are they a passing trend or here to stay? Two technologists explain how and why they created these figures. Critics fear this can reinforce negative stereotypes about women.
Most AI avatars look female, young and attractive. Are they a passing trend or here to stay? Two technologists explain how and why they created these figures. Critics fear this can reinforce negative stereotypes about women.
Hormigas y cigarras en pos de la verdad: Esto aprendimos del periodismo latinoamericano en el Festival Gabo 2024 Esta reunión anual, organizada en Bogotá por el equipo de Jaime Abello con la coordinación general de Daniel Marquínez, nos recuerda la vitalidad y el valor de los mejores reporteros en la región.
Hormigas y cigarras en pos de la verdad: Esto aprendimos del periodismo latinoamericano en el Festival Gabo 2024 Esta reunión anual, organizada en Bogotá por el equipo de Jaime Abello con la coordinación general de Daniel Marquínez, nos recuerda la vitalidad y el valor de los mejores reporteros en la región.
Mujeres y liderazgo en los medios informativos en 2025: evidencias de 12 mercados En este informe analizamos la desigualdad de género en el liderazgo de las salas de redacción, a partir de una muestra estratégica de 240 grandes medios online y offline en 12 mercados.
Mujeres y liderazgo en los medios informativos en 2025: evidencias de 12 mercados En este informe analizamos la desigualdad de género en el liderazgo de las salas de redacción, a partir de una muestra estratégica de 240 grandes medios online y offline en 12 mercados.
Women and leadership in the news media 2025: Evidence from 12 markets In this Reuters Institute factsheet we analyse the gender breakdown of top editors in a strategic sample of 240 major online and offline news outlets in 12 different markets.
Women and leadership in the news media 2025: Evidence from 12 markets In this Reuters Institute factsheet we analyse the gender breakdown of top editors in a strategic sample of 240 major online and offline news outlets in 12 different markets.
What do people want? Views on platforms and the digital public sphere in eight countries Our research explores how people use platforms for news and information about politics, while also remaining sceptical of the information they see there.
What do people want? Views on platforms and the digital public sphere in eight countries Our research explores how people use platforms for news and information about politics, while also remaining sceptical of the information they see there.
‘I’m unable to’: How generative AI chatbots respond when asked for the latest news This research looks at how two of the most widely used AI chatbots provide news to their users.
‘I’m unable to’: How generative AI chatbots respond when asked for the latest news This research looks at how two of the most widely used AI chatbots provide news to their users.
Mujeres y liderazgo en los medios informativos en 2024: evidencias de 12 mercados En este informe analizamos la desigualdad de género en el liderazgo de las salas de redacción, a partir de una muestra estratégica de 240 grandes medios online y offline en 12 mercados.
Mujeres y liderazgo en los medios informativos en 2024: evidencias de 12 mercados En este informe analizamos la desigualdad de género en el liderazgo de las salas de redacción, a partir de una muestra estratégica de 240 grandes medios online y offline en 12 mercados.
Women and leadership in the news media 2024: Evidence from 12 markets In this Reuters Institute factsheet we analyse the gender breakdown of top editors in a strategic sample of 240 major online and offline news outlets in 12 different markets.
Women and leadership in the news media 2024: Evidence from 12 markets In this Reuters Institute factsheet we analyse the gender breakdown of top editors in a strategic sample of 240 major online and offline news outlets in 12 different markets.
Digital News Report 2021 launch events A series of regionally-focused launch events featuring journalists from across Africa, Asia-Pacific, Europe, India, Latin America and the US.
Digital News Report 2021 launch events A series of regionally-focused launch events featuring journalists from across Africa, Asia-Pacific, Europe, India, Latin America and the US.