This journalist wants you to try open-source AI: “AI is shiny, but value comes from the ideas people have to use it” Hugging Face’s Florent Daudens on what open-source AI is, how journalists can use it and why he thinks they should.
This journalist wants you to try open-source AI: “AI is shiny, but value comes from the ideas people have to use it” Hugging Face’s Florent Daudens on what open-source AI is, how journalists can use it and why he thinks they should.
Así han construido por su cuenta estas tres mujeres periodistas grandes audiencias online Nuestros datos dicen que las voces más populares son hombres. Mujeres de Francia, Canadá y Argentina hablan de su trabajo y del acoso que sufren.
Así han construido por su cuenta estas tres mujeres periodistas grandes audiencias online Nuestros datos dicen que las voces más populares son hombres. Mujeres de Francia, Canadá y Argentina hablan de su trabajo y del acoso que sufren.
Despite sexist attacks, these female journalists have built massive online audiences on their own. Here’s how Our research suggests the most popular news influencers are men. Women from France, Canada and Argentina discuss how they do their work.
Despite sexist attacks, these female journalists have built massive online audiences on their own. Here’s how Our research suggests the most popular news influencers are men. Women from France, Canada and Argentina discuss how they do their work.
Our podcast: Digital News Report 2024. Episode 4: How much people pay for news "Publishers definitely need to look at a broad range of strategies to get people to subscribe, not just relying on trials or discounts," says Craig Robertson in this podcast episode
Our podcast: Digital News Report 2024. Episode 4: How much people pay for news "Publishers definitely need to look at a broad range of strategies to get people to subscribe, not just relying on trials or discounts," says Craig Robertson in this podcast episode
Comment la presse catholique se réinvente dans une Europe laïque 'La Croix' en France et 'Avvenire' en Italie attirent de nouveaux publics en abordant les enjeux climatiques et le pouvoir dans l'Église.
Comment la presse catholique se réinvente dans une Europe laïque 'La Croix' en France et 'Avvenire' en Italie attirent de nouveaux publics en abordant les enjeux climatiques et le pouvoir dans l'Église.
These two European Catholic newspapers are reinventing themselves in a secular society ‘La Croix’ in France and ‘Avvenire’ in Italy are gaining subscribers and reaching new audiences by covering climate and breaking scoops on the Church.
These two European Catholic newspapers are reinventing themselves in a secular society ‘La Croix’ in France and ‘Avvenire’ in Italy are gaining subscribers and reaching new audiences by covering climate and breaking scoops on the Church.
Climate change and news audiences report 2024: Analysis of news use and attitudes in eight countries The report shows a stagnation in public views on and engagement with climate issues and information over time, despite the growing urgency of the crisis.
Climate change and news audiences report 2024: Analysis of news use and attitudes in eight countries The report shows a stagnation in public views on and engagement with climate issues and information over time, despite the growing urgency of the crisis.
What does the public in six countries think of generative AI in news? This report looks at how people use generative AI, and what they think about its application in journalism and other areas of work and life across six countries.
What does the public in six countries think of generative AI in news? This report looks at how people use generative AI, and what they think about its application in journalism and other areas of work and life across six countries.
Las audiencias de noticias sobre cambio climático: análisis de consumo y actitudes en ocho países Este informe está basado en un sondeo en Brasil, India, Pakistán, Japón, Francia, Alemania, Reino Unido y Estados Unidos.
Las audiencias de noticias sobre cambio climático: análisis de consumo y actitudes en ocho países Este informe está basado en un sondeo en Brasil, India, Pakistán, Japón, Francia, Alemania, Reino Unido y Estados Unidos.
Climate change and news audiences report 2023: Analysis of news use and attitudes in eight countries This report presents fresh insights into how people access climate news in Brazil, France, Germany, India, Japan, Pakistan, the UK, and the US.
Climate change and news audiences report 2023: Analysis of news use and attitudes in eight countries This report presents fresh insights into how people access climate news in Brazil, France, Germany, India, Japan, Pakistan, the UK, and the US.
Journalism, media, and technology trends and predictions 2023 This year's report looks into the business prospects for media companies, how they are exploring TikTok, audio products and generative AI.
Journalism, media, and technology trends and predictions 2023 This year's report looks into the business prospects for media companies, how they are exploring TikTok, audio products and generative AI.
Cómo seguimos el cambio climático: uso de noticias y actitudes en ocho países Este informe ayuda a comprender cómo accede a las noticias sobre el cambio climático la gente de ocho países: Alemania, Brasil, Estados Unidos, Francia, India, Japón, Pakistán y el Reino Unido.
Cómo seguimos el cambio climático: uso de noticias y actitudes en ocho países Este informe ayuda a comprender cómo accede a las noticias sobre el cambio climático la gente de ocho países: Alemania, Brasil, Estados Unidos, Francia, India, Japón, Pakistán y el Reino Unido.
What do we know about the rise of alternative voices and news influencers in social and video networks? Publication date 17th June 2024
What do we know about the rise of alternative voices and news influencers in social and video networks? Publication date 17th June 2024
Which journalists do people pay most attention to and why? A study of six countries Publication date 15th June 2022
Which journalists do people pay most attention to and why? A study of six countries Publication date 15th June 2022