Senior Research Associate
Nic Newman is a journalist and digital strategist who played a key role in shaping the BBC's internet services over more than a decade.
He was a founding member of the BBC News Website, leading international coverage as World Editor (1997-2001). As Head of Product Development for BBC News he helped introduce innovations such as blogs, podcasting and on-demand video. Most recently he led digital teams, developing websites, mobile and interactive TV applications for News, Sport, Weather and Local.
He has played an important part in the development of social media strategies and guidelines for the wider BBC. Nic was a Visiting Fellow at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism. He is married with three children and lives in London.

Periodismo, medios y tecnología: tendencias y predicciones para 2025
Nuestra encuesta anual de más de 300 líderes de medios explora las prioridades de los medios para este año y los retos que les aguardan.

Journalism, media, and technology trends and predictions 2025
Our annual survey of over 300 media leaders from across the world explores publishers' priorities for the year ahead, the challenges they envision and how well equipped they are to address them.

Periodismo, medios y tecnología: tendencias y predicciones para 2024
A los líderes de medios les inquieta lo que pueda pasar este año, con dos tercios preocupados por la pérdida del tráfico de redes sociales.

Journalism, media, and technology trends and predictions 2024
This year's report suggests media leaders don't expect much from AI deals and are concerned about further drops in social traffic in the year ahead.

Pagar por noticias: audiencias sensibles a los precios buscan valor en medio de la crisis económica
Este informe explora el perfil de los suscriptores y los motivos por los que quienes no pagan ahora estarían dispuestos a hacerlo.

Paying for news: Price-conscious consumers look for value amid cost-of-living crisis
This report looks at who is paying for news online, how much they pay, and what motivations they have for subscribing to news.

Periodismo, medios y tecnología: tendencias y predicciones para 2023
El informe de este año se centra en las perspectivas económicas de los medios y en cómo están explorando TikTok, el audio digital y la inteligencia digital.

Journalism, media, and technology trends and predictions 2023
This year's report looks into the business prospects for media companies, how they are exploring TikTok, audio products and generative AI.

Así están aprendiendo los medios a crear y distribuir noticias en TikTok
Este informe analiza cómo más de 200 medios de 44 mercados en todo el mundo están construyendo su presencia en esta plataforma.

How publishers are learning to create and distribute news on TikTok
This looks at adoption among news publishers around the world.

Periodismo, medios y tecnología: tendencias y predicciones para 2022
Este informe anual, basado en una encuesta de ejecutivos de medios de todo el mundo, analiza los asuntos clave que afronta el periodismo en 2022 y más allá.

Journalism, media, and technology trends and predictions 2022
This annual report, based on a survey of senior executives, looks at the key issues facing journalism in 2022 and beyond.

Seven things journalists can do to counter news avoidance
"In a world of super-abundant information there is a real premium on saving rather than wasting people’s time", write Nic Newman and Ellen Heinrichs.

Impartiality is still key for news audiences. Here’s how to reinvent it
Our research shows people still value the ideal of impartial news.

The Changing Face of Social Media and the Rise of Messaging Apps for News
As users turn away from Facebook for sharing and discussing news, other social media platforms such as instant messaging apps and Instagram are becoming more relevant, a new study has found.