Hormigas y cigarras en pos de la verdad: Esto aprendimos del periodismo latinoamericano en el Festival Gabo 2024 Esta reunión anual, organizada en Bogotá por el equipo de Jaime Abello con la coordinación general de Daniel Marquínez, nos recuerda la vitalidad y el valor de los mejores reporteros en la región.
Hormigas y cigarras en pos de la verdad: Esto aprendimos del periodismo latinoamericano en el Festival Gabo 2024 Esta reunión anual, organizada en Bogotá por el equipo de Jaime Abello con la coordinación general de Daniel Marquínez, nos recuerda la vitalidad y el valor de los mejores reporteros en la región.
Seven lessons for journalism in the age of extreme heat Earlier this month members and alumni of the Oxford Climate Journalism Network met to explore heat and how to cover it. Here are our takeaways.
Seven lessons for journalism in the age of extreme heat Earlier this month members and alumni of the Oxford Climate Journalism Network met to explore heat and how to cover it. Here are our takeaways.
¿Es viable ser periodista freelance? No para muchos reporteros con quienes hablamos. Éstos son sus problemas Hasta 25 reporteros de 20 países compartieron sus dificultades, de tarifas cada vez más bajas a segundos trabajos y problemas de salud mental.
¿Es viable ser periodista freelance? No para muchos reporteros con quienes hablamos. Éstos son sus problemas Hasta 25 reporteros de 20 países compartieron sus dificultades, de tarifas cada vez más bajas a segundos trabajos y problemas de salud mental.
Is freelance journalism still viable? Not for most of the reporters we spoke with. These are their key problems Up to 25 reporters from 20 countries shared their struggles, painting a stark picture, with shrinking rates, second jobs and mental health issues.
Is freelance journalism still viable? Not for most of the reporters we spoke with. These are their key problems Up to 25 reporters from 20 countries shared their struggles, painting a stark picture, with shrinking rates, second jobs and mental health issues.
Under attack from so many quarters, press freedom in Brazil is now threatened by some judges too A reporter's prison sentence and a controversial Supreme Court ruling fuel concerns among reporters and journalism associations.
Under attack from so many quarters, press freedom in Brazil is now threatened by some judges too A reporter's prison sentence and a controversial Supreme Court ruling fuel concerns among reporters and journalism associations.
These women-led newsrooms are helping change journalism in the Global South Editors from Brazil, Uganda, Nigeria and Nepal share what they’ve learnt while launching projects with a focus on women’s issues.
These women-led newsrooms are helping change journalism in the Global South Editors from Brazil, Uganda, Nigeria and Nepal share what they’ve learnt while launching projects with a focus on women’s issues.
Race and leadership in the news media 2024: Evidence from five markets In this factsheet, we analyse the percentage of people of colour in top editorial positions in 100 major online and offline news outlets in five different markets.
Race and leadership in the news media 2024: Evidence from five markets In this factsheet, we analyse the percentage of people of colour in top editorial positions in 100 major online and offline news outlets in five different markets.
Mujeres y liderazgo en los medios informativos en 2024: evidencias de 12 mercados En este informe analizamos la desigualdad de género en el liderazgo de las salas de redacción, a partir de una muestra estratégica de 240 grandes medios online y offline en 12 mercados.
Mujeres y liderazgo en los medios informativos en 2024: evidencias de 12 mercados En este informe analizamos la desigualdad de género en el liderazgo de las salas de redacción, a partir de una muestra estratégica de 240 grandes medios online y offline en 12 mercados.
Women and leadership in the news media 2024: Evidence from 12 markets In this Reuters Institute factsheet we analyse the gender breakdown of top editors in a strategic sample of 240 major online and offline news outlets in 12 different markets.
Women and leadership in the news media 2024: Evidence from 12 markets In this Reuters Institute factsheet we analyse the gender breakdown of top editors in a strategic sample of 240 major online and offline news outlets in 12 different markets.
How many news websites block AI crawlers? Research looks at how many and what type of news websites are blocking AI crawlers from companies such as OpenAI and Google.
How many news websites block AI crawlers? Research looks at how many and what type of news websites are blocking AI crawlers from companies such as OpenAI and Google.
Las audiencias de noticias sobre cambio climático: análisis de consumo y actitudes en ocho países Este informe está basado en un sondeo en Brasil, India, Pakistán, Japón, Francia, Alemania, Reino Unido y Estados Unidos.
Las audiencias de noticias sobre cambio climático: análisis de consumo y actitudes en ocho países Este informe está basado en un sondeo en Brasil, India, Pakistán, Japón, Francia, Alemania, Reino Unido y Estados Unidos.
Estratégias para a construção de confiança nas notícias O que a audiência diz querer em quatro países.
Estratégias para a construção de confiança nas notícias O que a audiência diz querer em quatro países.