Regards sur l'avenir du journalisme : Retours sur Médias en Seine 2023 Les thèmes discutés: de l'éducation aux médias à l'engagement des jeunes publics, en passant par les stratégies pour un recrutement plus inclusif.
Regards sur l'avenir du journalisme : Retours sur Médias en Seine 2023 Les thèmes discutés: de l'éducation aux médias à l'engagement des jeunes publics, en passant par les stratégies pour un recrutement plus inclusif.
Médias en Seine 2023: what we learnt at this annual French festival about the future of news Speakers discussed media literacy, reaching young audiences, strategies for making newsrooms more diverse and building news products around archival footage.
Médias en Seine 2023: what we learnt at this annual French festival about the future of news Speakers discussed media literacy, reaching young audiences, strategies for making newsrooms more diverse and building news products around archival footage.
What we learnt at our 40-year Fellowship reunion about the future of news These are a few highlights of our panel discussions on AI, mental health, newsroom diversity, reader revenue and foreign news.
What we learnt at our 40-year Fellowship reunion about the future of news These are a few highlights of our panel discussions on AI, mental health, newsroom diversity, reader revenue and foreign news.
What does it take to be an authentic leader? Seven takeaways from our podcast series Editor and consultant Ramaa Sharma on what she's learnt from speaking with managers from Brazil, India, Nepal, Nigeria and Mexico.
What does it take to be an authentic leader? Seven takeaways from our podcast series Editor and consultant Ramaa Sharma on what she's learnt from speaking with managers from Brazil, India, Nepal, Nigeria and Mexico.
How this outlet is building a model for better representation of queer people in Indian media “The focus is on under-reported stories of queer lives in India,” says founder Ankur Paliwal.
How this outlet is building a model for better representation of queer people in Indian media “The focus is on under-reported stories of queer lives in India,” says founder Ankur Paliwal.
These projects are trying to put Indigenous voices at the heart of their journalism From Colombia to Kenya and Indonesia, several initiatives are trying to draw greater attention to the narratives of these communities.
These projects are trying to put Indigenous voices at the heart of their journalism From Colombia to Kenya and Indonesia, several initiatives are trying to draw greater attention to the narratives of these communities.
Strategies for building trust in news: What the public say they want across four countries Our final report of the Trust in News Project considers different options for newsrooms to build trust with audiences
Strategies for building trust in news: What the public say they want across four countries Our final report of the Trust in News Project considers different options for newsrooms to build trust with audiences
Missing transgender narratives in Jordanian news Journalist fellow Manar H. Ismail explores under-reported issues facing transgender people in Jordan, and asks why the media is not covering these stories.
Missing transgender narratives in Jordanian news Journalist fellow Manar H. Ismail explores under-reported issues facing transgender people in Jordan, and asks why the media is not covering these stories.
Notícias para os poderosos e privilegiados Como representações deturpadas ou insuficientes de comunidades desfavorecidas abala a confiança delas nas notícias.
Notícias para os poderosos e privilegiados Como representações deturpadas ou insuficientes de comunidades desfavorecidas abala a confiança delas nas notícias.
Noticias para los poderosos y los privilegiados Así minan la confianza en las noticias de las comunidades marginadas su poca y su mala representación.
Noticias para los poderosos y los privilegiados Así minan la confianza en las noticias de las comunidades marginadas su poca y su mala representación.
News for the powerful and privileged How misrepresentation and underrepresentation of disadvantaged communities undermine their trust in news.
News for the powerful and privileged How misrepresentation and underrepresentation of disadvantaged communities undermine their trust in news.
Mujeres y liderazgo en los medios informativos en 2023: evidencias de 12 mercados In este informe analizamos el género de los líderes de una muestra de 240 grandes medios en 12 mercados distintos.
Mujeres y liderazgo en los medios informativos en 2023: evidencias de 12 mercados In este informe analizamos el género de los líderes de una muestra de 240 grandes medios en 12 mercados distintos.