Estos cinco medios prueban que el periodismo puede prosperar sin dueños multimillonarios Estos periódicos de Argentina, Francia, Escocia, España y Uruguay son propiedad de sus periodistas, un modelo que blinda su independencia.
Estos cinco medios prueban que el periodismo puede prosperar sin dueños multimillonarios Estos periódicos de Argentina, Francia, Escocia, España y Uruguay son propiedad de sus periodistas, un modelo que blinda su independencia.
These five newspapers prove journalism can thrive without billionaire owners Owned by their journalists, these outlets from Argentina, France, Scotland, Spain and Uruguay see their model as key to their independence.
These five newspapers prove journalism can thrive without billionaire owners Owned by their journalists, these outlets from Argentina, France, Scotland, Spain and Uruguay see their model as key to their independence.
Así atraen estos periódicos argentinos a cientos de miles de suscriptores pese a la inflación Clarín y La Nación han logrado triunfar donde muchos alrededor del mundo han fracasado. Aquí es cómo lo han hecho.
Así atraen estos periódicos argentinos a cientos de miles de suscriptores pese a la inflación Clarín y La Nación han logrado triunfar donde muchos alrededor del mundo han fracasado. Aquí es cómo lo han hecho.
How these Argentinian newspapers attracted hundreds of thousands of subscribers amid rising inflation Clarín and La Nación managed to make so much progress where many around the world have failed. Here’s how they’ve done it.
How these Argentinian newspapers attracted hundreds of thousands of subscribers amid rising inflation Clarín and La Nación managed to make so much progress where many around the world have failed. Here’s how they’ve done it.
Así han construido por su cuenta estas tres mujeres periodistas grandes audiencias online Nuestros datos dicen que las voces más populares son hombres. Mujeres de Francia, Canadá y Argentina hablan de su trabajo y del acoso que sufren.
Así han construido por su cuenta estas tres mujeres periodistas grandes audiencias online Nuestros datos dicen que las voces más populares son hombres. Mujeres de Francia, Canadá y Argentina hablan de su trabajo y del acoso que sufren.
Despite sexist attacks, these female journalists have built massive online audiences on their own. Here’s how Our research suggests the most popular news influencers are men. Women from France, Canada and Argentina discuss how they do their work.
Despite sexist attacks, these female journalists have built massive online audiences on their own. Here’s how Our research suggests the most popular news influencers are men. Women from France, Canada and Argentina discuss how they do their work.
What do people want? Views on platforms and the digital public sphere in eight countries Our research explores how people use platforms for news and information about politics, while also remaining sceptical of the information they see there.
What do people want? Views on platforms and the digital public sphere in eight countries Our research explores how people use platforms for news and information about politics, while also remaining sceptical of the information they see there.
The looming threat (and possible solutions) to Latin America’s foreign donor-funded journalism Our Journalist Fellow Francisca Skoknic analyses what newsrooms in the region can do in light of an increasingly challenging funding environment.
The looming threat (and possible solutions) to Latin America’s foreign donor-funded journalism Our Journalist Fellow Francisca Skoknic analyses what newsrooms in the region can do in light of an increasingly challenging funding environment.
The press vs. organised crime: Lessons from Mexico for Argentina As organised crime spirals, journalist Noelia Vetach asks what journalists in Argentina might learn from peers in Mexico.
The press vs. organised crime: Lessons from Mexico for Argentina As organised crime spirals, journalist Noelia Vetach asks what journalists in Argentina might learn from peers in Mexico.
What does the public in six countries think of generative AI in news? This report looks at how people use generative AI, and what they think about its application in journalism and other areas of work and life across six countries.
What does the public in six countries think of generative AI in news? This report looks at how people use generative AI, and what they think about its application in journalism and other areas of work and life across six countries.
Mujeres y liderazgo en los medios informativos en 2022: evidencias de 12 mercados De acuerdo con este informe de Kirsten Eddy, Meera Selva y Rasmus Nielsen, sólo el 21% de las 179 personas al frente de 240 medios en 12 países son mujeres.
Mujeres y liderazgo en los medios informativos en 2022: evidencias de 12 mercados De acuerdo con este informe de Kirsten Eddy, Meera Selva y Rasmus Nielsen, sólo el 21% de las 179 personas al frente de 240 medios en 12 países son mujeres.
El futuro es feminista: lecciones de periodistas en México y Argentina Así trabajan periodistas iberoamericanas para revolucionar la forma en que se presenta a las mujeres en los medios en un continente donde queda mucho camino por recorrer.
El futuro es feminista: lecciones de periodistas en México y Argentina Así trabajan periodistas iberoamericanas para revolucionar la forma en que se presenta a las mujeres en los medios en un continente donde queda mucho camino por recorrer.
What do we know about the rise of alternative voices and news influencers in social and video networks? Publication date 17th June 2024
What do we know about the rise of alternative voices and news influencers in social and video networks? Publication date 17th June 2024