A merced de una tormenta perfecta: Así golpean los recortes de Trump al periodismo fuera de Estados Unidos De Ucrania a El Salvador, decenas de medios se han visto afectados. Quince periodistas hablan del impacto de este problema y de cómo afrontarlo.
A merced de una tormenta perfecta: Así golpean los recortes de Trump al periodismo fuera de Estados Unidos De Ucrania a El Salvador, decenas de medios se han visto afectados. Quince periodistas hablan del impacto de este problema y de cómo afrontarlo.
African journalists should join forces to expose white-collar criminals, says this pioneer of investigative journalism Award-winning journalist Beauregard Tromp speaks about his plans as the new convener for the African Investigative Journalism Conference (AIJC).
African journalists should join forces to expose white-collar criminals, says this pioneer of investigative journalism Award-winning journalist Beauregard Tromp speaks about his plans as the new convener for the African Investigative Journalism Conference (AIJC).
10 journalists from from around the world are joining the Reuters Institute's fellowship programme They'll each bring unique perspectives to our rich programme of seminars and discussions to explore the future of journalism worldwide
10 journalists from from around the world are joining the Reuters Institute's fellowship programme They'll each bring unique perspectives to our rich programme of seminars and discussions to explore the future of journalism worldwide
Join our Global Journalism Seminar Series online from May to June 2024 Our line-up of guests includes Adriaan Basson, Carmen Parahi, Sarah Kent, Peter Pomerantsev, Alberto Cairo, Simon Rogers and Alex Burns.
Join our Global Journalism Seminar Series online from May to June 2024 Our line-up of guests includes Adriaan Basson, Carmen Parahi, Sarah Kent, Peter Pomerantsev, Alberto Cairo, Simon Rogers and Alex Burns.
How ChatGPT’s responses change as top news sites from five countries block it We analyse how top news brands in Brazil, France, South Africa, the UK and the US approach the chatbot and the impact on responses.
How ChatGPT’s responses change as top news sites from five countries block it We analyse how top news brands in Brazil, France, South Africa, the UK and the US approach the chatbot and the impact on responses.
Trust Conference 2023: seven things we learnt about press freedom around the world Here are a few highlights from speakers such as Sebastien Lai, Jodie Ginsberg, Charlie Beckett and Rana Rahimpour at TRF’s flagship event.
Trust Conference 2023: seven things we learnt about press freedom around the world Here are a few highlights from speakers such as Sebastien Lai, Jodie Ginsberg, Charlie Beckett and Rana Rahimpour at TRF’s flagship event.
Mujeres y liderazgo en los medios informativos en 2025: evidencias de 12 mercados En este informe analizamos la desigualdad de género en el liderazgo de las salas de redacción, a partir de una muestra estratégica de 240 grandes medios online y offline en 12 mercados.
Mujeres y liderazgo en los medios informativos en 2025: evidencias de 12 mercados En este informe analizamos la desigualdad de género en el liderazgo de las salas de redacción, a partir de una muestra estratégica de 240 grandes medios online y offline en 12 mercados.
Women and leadership in the news media 2025: Evidence from 12 markets In this Reuters Institute factsheet we analyse the gender breakdown of top editors in a strategic sample of 240 major online and offline news outlets in 12 different markets.
Women and leadership in the news media 2025: Evidence from 12 markets In this Reuters Institute factsheet we analyse the gender breakdown of top editors in a strategic sample of 240 major online and offline news outlets in 12 different markets.
How to get the most important climate story of the decade right Lameez Omarjee asks researchers, policymakers, and development practitioners how they'd improve South African media coverage of the just transition.
How to get the most important climate story of the decade right Lameez Omarjee asks researchers, policymakers, and development practitioners how they'd improve South African media coverage of the just transition.
Race and leadership in the news media 2024: Evidence from five markets In this factsheet, we analyse the percentage of people of colour in top editorial positions in 100 major online and offline news outlets in five different markets.
Race and leadership in the news media 2024: Evidence from five markets In this factsheet, we analyse the percentage of people of colour in top editorial positions in 100 major online and offline news outlets in five different markets.
Mujeres y liderazgo en los medios informativos en 2024: evidencias de 12 mercados En este informe analizamos la desigualdad de género en el liderazgo de las salas de redacción, a partir de una muestra estratégica de 240 grandes medios online y offline en 12 mercados.
Mujeres y liderazgo en los medios informativos en 2024: evidencias de 12 mercados En este informe analizamos la desigualdad de género en el liderazgo de las salas de redacción, a partir de una muestra estratégica de 240 grandes medios online y offline en 12 mercados.
Women and leadership in the news media 2024: Evidence from 12 markets In this Reuters Institute factsheet we analyse the gender breakdown of top editors in a strategic sample of 240 major online and offline news outlets in 12 different markets.
Women and leadership in the news media 2024: Evidence from 12 markets In this Reuters Institute factsheet we analyse the gender breakdown of top editors in a strategic sample of 240 major online and offline news outlets in 12 different markets.
Digital News Report 2021 launch events A series of regionally-focused launch events featuring journalists from across Africa, Asia-Pacific, Europe, India, Latin America and the US.
Digital News Report 2021 launch events A series of regionally-focused launch events featuring journalists from across Africa, Asia-Pacific, Europe, India, Latin America and the US.