Four Journalist Fellows from Australia and South Africa join us in April 2022 This global cohort will spend time in Oxford in a programme designed to explore the key challenges facing journalism worldwide.
Four Journalist Fellows from Australia and South Africa join us in April 2022 This global cohort will spend time in Oxford in a programme designed to explore the key challenges facing journalism worldwide.
Our podcast: the impact of COVID-19 on daily news podcasts We look at how the pandemic has changed the production, distribution and listening patterns of this popular genre.
Our podcast: the impact of COVID-19 on daily news podcasts We look at how the pandemic has changed the production, distribution and listening patterns of this popular genre.
Podcasts diarios de noticias: creando nuevos hábitos a la sombra del coronavirus Estos son los principales hallazgos del informe elaborado por Nic Newman y Nathan Gallo.
Podcasts diarios de noticias: creando nuevos hábitos a la sombra del coronavirus Estos son los principales hallazgos del informe elaborado por Nic Newman y Nathan Gallo.
Three new Journalist Fellows join the Reuters Institute Distinguished journalists from India, Nigeria and Australia begin their fellowship in Oxford.
Three new Journalist Fellows join the Reuters Institute Distinguished journalists from India, Nigeria and Australia begin their fellowship in Oxford.
Digital News Report 2017 Our annual survey of news consumption trends based on a survey of more than 70,000 online news users in 36 countries worldwide.
Digital News Report 2017 Our annual survey of news consumption trends based on a survey of more than 70,000 online news users in 36 countries worldwide.
Digital News Report 2018 Our annual survey of news audience trends around the world based on a survey of online news users across 40 countries
Digital News Report 2018 Our annual survey of news audience trends around the world based on a survey of online news users across 40 countries
Periodismo, medios y tecnología: tendencias y predicciones para 2021 Este informe anual analiza retos y oportunidades para el periodismo en 2021.
Periodismo, medios y tecnología: tendencias y predicciones para 2021 Este informe anual analiza retos y oportunidades para el periodismo en 2021.
Journalism, Media, and Technology Trends and Predictions 2021 This annual report, based on a survey of senior executives, looks at some of the issues facing journalism in 2021 and beyond.
Journalism, Media, and Technology Trends and Predictions 2021 This annual report, based on a survey of senior executives, looks at some of the issues facing journalism in 2021 and beyond.
Daily news podcasts: building new habits in the shadow of coronavirus This report looks at the growth in popularity of daily news podcasts around the world, their various formats, and audience listening patterns.
Daily news podcasts: building new habits in the shadow of coronavirus This report looks at the growth in popularity of daily news podcasts around the world, their various formats, and audience listening patterns.