“We can’t do this alone”: Nigerian fact-checkers teamed up to debunk politicians’ false claims at this year’s election Journalists from CDD Fact-check, Dubawa, FactCheckHub, Cable Check and RoundCheck explained what they learnt from the process.
“We can’t do this alone”: Nigerian fact-checkers teamed up to debunk politicians’ false claims at this year’s election Journalists from CDD Fact-check, Dubawa, FactCheckHub, Cable Check and RoundCheck explained what they learnt from the process.
A WhatsApp course taught older Spaniards to spot misinformation and it worked The course, created by MediaWise and Newtral, was assessed by researchers from the University of Navarra.
A WhatsApp course taught older Spaniards to spot misinformation and it worked The course, created by MediaWise and Newtral, was assessed by researchers from the University of Navarra.
“Hate speech can be found on TikTok at any time. But its frequency spikes in elections” Researcher Nuurrianti Jalli shares what she’s learnt after studying the platform’s impact in Malaysia and Indonesia’s public discourse.
“Hate speech can be found on TikTok at any time. But its frequency spikes in elections” Researcher Nuurrianti Jalli shares what she’s learnt after studying the platform’s impact in Malaysia and Indonesia’s public discourse.
The year-long fight of a Filipino news site against red-tagging and state censorship Blocked by the government and shadow-banned by Facebook, Bulatlat managed to stay afloat thanks to the support of readers and donors.
The year-long fight of a Filipino news site against red-tagging and state censorship Blocked by the government and shadow-banned by Facebook, Bulatlat managed to stay afloat thanks to the support of readers and donors.
“Politicians across Africa use social media to target their critics. Platforms are complicit” Award-winning journalist Hannah Ajakaiye speaks about her fight against misinformation in Nigeria and beyond.
“Politicians across Africa use social media to target their critics. Platforms are complicit” Award-winning journalist Hannah Ajakaiye speaks about her fight against misinformation in Nigeria and beyond.
Estas voces de Perú y Kenia explican cómo comentan las noticias en TikTok Verónica Farge, José Carlos Castillo y Justine Wanda explican su trabajo en países donde muchos usan esta plataforma para informarse.
Estas voces de Perú y Kenia explican cómo comentan las noticias en TikTok Verónica Farge, José Carlos Castillo y Justine Wanda explican su trabajo en países donde muchos usan esta plataforma para informarse.
Women and news: an overview of audience behaviour in 11 countries This report, authored by Meera Selva and Simge Andı, looks at how women get their news around the world.
Women and news: an overview of audience behaviour in 11 countries This report, authored by Meera Selva and Simge Andı, looks at how women get their news around the world.
Lo que creemos que sabemos y lo que no sabemos sobre la confianza en las noticias Resumen en español del primer informe del Projecto de Confianza en las Noticias.
Lo que creemos que sabemos y lo que no sabemos sobre la confianza en las noticias Resumen en español del primer informe del Projecto de Confianza en las Noticias.
O que achamos que sabemos e o que queremos saber: perspectivas sobre confiança nas notícias num mundo em mudança
O que achamos que sabemos e o que queremos saber: perspectivas sobre confiança nas notícias num mundo em mudança
What we think we know and what we want to know: perspectives on trust in news in a changing world A report by Benjamin Toff, Sumitra Badrinathan, Camila Mont'Alverne, Amy Ross Arguedas, Richard Fletcher and Rasmus Nielsen.
What we think we know and what we want to know: perspectives on trust in news in a changing world A report by Benjamin Toff, Sumitra Badrinathan, Camila Mont'Alverne, Amy Ross Arguedas, Richard Fletcher and Rasmus Nielsen.
Publish less, but publish better: pivoting to paid in local news Here's how local and regional newspapers around Europe have adapted their editorial and business strategies to remain sustainable in the digital media environment.
Publish less, but publish better: pivoting to paid in local news Here's how local and regional newspapers around Europe have adapted their editorial and business strategies to remain sustainable in the digital media environment.
How Brexit referendum voters use news In this factsheet we have compared the current media habits of those who voted to remain with those who voted to leave.
How Brexit referendum voters use news In this factsheet we have compared the current media habits of those who voted to remain with those who voted to leave.