“People who distrust us depend on us in ways that they may not have even grappled with yet” Jelani Cobb, Ritu Kapur, Stephen Ansolabehere and Mitali Mukherjee discussed news influencers, trust and press freedom at the 2025 Memorial Lecture.
“People who distrust us depend on us in ways that they may not have even grappled with yet” Jelani Cobb, Ritu Kapur, Stephen Ansolabehere and Mitali Mukherjee discussed news influencers, trust and press freedom at the 2025 Memorial Lecture.
How this Pakistani podcast landed interviews with four prime ministers and reached millions on YouTube “We try to give context to young audiences so they can have both sides of the story,” says young journalist Talha Ahad, founder of The Centrum Media.
How this Pakistani podcast landed interviews with four prime ministers and reached millions on YouTube “We try to give context to young audiences so they can have both sides of the story,” says young journalist Talha Ahad, founder of The Centrum Media.
How Swedish Radio balances journalism and AI without falling for hype “These are terrific tools, but they are tools to assist journalism, and doing human-based journalism has never been more important”, says Olle Zachrison.
How Swedish Radio balances journalism and AI without falling for hype “These are terrific tools, but they are tools to assist journalism, and doing human-based journalism has never been more important”, says Olle Zachrison.
The day AI clones took over a Swiss radio station “We wanted to understand how it feels like to listen to radio that is made by a computer,” says Antoine Multone from Couleur 3.
The day AI clones took over a Swiss radio station “We wanted to understand how it feels like to listen to radio that is made by a computer,” says Antoine Multone from Couleur 3.
When AI meets creative writing: an audio experiment at Czech Radio In 2020 Anna Vošalíková created a show to explore how AI might impact fiction writing. Four seasons later, the experiment is more relevant than ever.
When AI meets creative writing: an audio experiment at Czech Radio In 2020 Anna Vošalíková created a show to explore how AI might impact fiction writing. Four seasons later, the experiment is more relevant than ever.
Hormigas y cigarras en pos de la verdad: Esto aprendimos del periodismo latinoamericano en el Festival Gabo 2024 Esta reunión anual, organizada en Bogotá por el equipo de Jaime Abello con la coordinación general de Daniel Marquínez, nos recuerda la vitalidad y el valor de los mejores reporteros en la región.
Hormigas y cigarras en pos de la verdad: Esto aprendimos del periodismo latinoamericano en el Festival Gabo 2024 Esta reunión anual, organizada en Bogotá por el equipo de Jaime Abello con la coordinación general de Daniel Marquínez, nos recuerda la vitalidad y el valor de los mejores reporteros en la región.
Journalism, media, and technology trends and predictions 2025 Our annual survey of over 300 media leaders from across the world explores publishers' priorities for the year ahead, the challenges they envision and how well equipped they are to address them.
Journalism, media, and technology trends and predictions 2025 Our annual survey of over 300 media leaders from across the world explores publishers' priorities for the year ahead, the challenges they envision and how well equipped they are to address them.
Periodismo, medios y tecnología: tendencias y predicciones para 2024 A los líderes de medios les inquieta lo que pueda pasar este año, con dos tercios preocupados por la pérdida del tráfico de redes sociales.
Periodismo, medios y tecnología: tendencias y predicciones para 2024 A los líderes de medios les inquieta lo que pueda pasar este año, con dos tercios preocupados por la pérdida del tráfico de redes sociales.
Journalism, media, and technology trends and predictions 2024 This year's report suggests media leaders don't expect much from AI deals and are concerned about further drops in social traffic in the year ahead.
Journalism, media, and technology trends and predictions 2024 This year's report suggests media leaders don't expect much from AI deals and are concerned about further drops in social traffic in the year ahead.
Periodismo, medios y tecnología: tendencias y predicciones para 2023 El informe de este año se centra en las perspectivas económicas de los medios y en cómo están explorando TikTok, el audio digital y la inteligencia digital.
Periodismo, medios y tecnología: tendencias y predicciones para 2023 El informe de este año se centra en las perspectivas económicas de los medios y en cómo están explorando TikTok, el audio digital y la inteligencia digital.
Journalism, media, and technology trends and predictions 2023 This year's report looks into the business prospects for media companies, how they are exploring TikTok, audio products and generative AI.
Journalism, media, and technology trends and predictions 2023 This year's report looks into the business prospects for media companies, how they are exploring TikTok, audio products and generative AI.
Five ways in which podcasting may benefit radio newsrooms Our Fellow Paula Molina draws lessons from Spanish-language podcasting for radio newsrooms considering a podcasting strategy.
Five ways in which podcasting may benefit radio newsrooms Our Fellow Paula Molina draws lessons from Spanish-language podcasting for radio newsrooms considering a podcasting strategy.
AI and the Future of Audio series A five-part series exploring the interestection between AI and audio.
AI and the Future of Audio series A five-part series exploring the interestection between AI and audio.