Meera Selva.
Meera Selva.
Meera Selva has been named Deputy Director of the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism in addition to continuing in her role as Director of Journalist Fellowship Programmes. She will take on an expanded role in institute strategy and management as part of the senior management team and deputise for Director Rasmus Nielsen.
Her expanded role comes as the institute continues to expand its activities across journalist programmes, leadership development, and research, as well as communications.
Meera joined the Reuters Institute as Director of the Journalist Fellowship Programme in 2017 from a role as editor of the English-language Handelsblatt Global working out of Singapore, a title she helped launch in Berlin 2014. Before that, she had worked at a range of other news organizations including the Associated Press, the Daily Telegraph, and the Independent both in the UK and internationally, including three years as Africa correspondent based in Nairobi.
Under her leadership, the Reuters Institute Journalist Fellowship Programme has expanded significantly, both in terms of the number of journalists hosted each year and through the launch of new short courses and other programmes. She has also led important research on media freedom as well as diversity in the news media while at the institute and spoken about her work at high-profile events including the Perugia International Journalism Festival, the International Press Institute World Congress and the United Nations and World Academy of Art and Science.
Rasmus Nielsen, Director of the Reuters Institute, said: “Meera is a journalist with tremendous insight, international experience, and personal integrity, and her leadership has transformed our already outstanding Journalist Fellowship Programme. I am delighted she has accepted this new expanded role at the institute and look forward to working even more closely with her on further developing and expanding our work at the institute, anchoring what we do in the challenges and opportunities that working journalists and editors face worldwide.”
Meera Selva said: “The Reuters Institute is one of best places in the world to talk about journalism. I have been delighted to bring so many journalists together via the fellowship programme to study the challenges facing the industry worldwide and I am excited about taking the fellowship and the Institute forward with Rasmus and the rest of the team here.