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The AI and the Future of Audio series explores how different broadcasters are using AI in novel ways. Over five chapters, our journalist Gretel Kahn speaks with different players in the field of broadcasting about their experiments using AI in their newsrooms and what comes next. The podcast focuses on looking at the future of broadcasting and audio while not getting lost in the AI hype. 

About the host

Gretel Kahn is a Panamanian journalist. Before joining the Institute's editorial team, she worked for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) in Montreal covering daily news for radio and web.


Episode 1. In this opening episode of our series on AI and the Future of Audio, Gretel Kahn speaks with Chief Dramaturg in charge of digital content at Czech Radio Anna Vošalíková to explore what it sounds like when AI meets human creativity via the Digital Writer project by Czech public broadcaster Czech Radio. We discuss how collaboration between humans and AI can be fruitful. We also look at how the ChatGPT technology has evolved in the past four years. 

Spotify | Apple

Episode 2. Release date: 2 August 2024

Episode 3. Release date: 9 August 2024

Episode 4. Release date: 16 August 2024

Episode 5. Release date: 23 August 2024