Surviving the cash crunch: Bhekisisa's road to non-profit health and social justice journalism Mia Malan is the founding director and editor of the Bhekisisa Centre for Health Journalism in South Africa which syndicates health and social justice features and analysis to the country's leading publications.
Surviving the cash crunch: Bhekisisa's road to non-profit health and social justice journalism Mia Malan is the founding director and editor of the Bhekisisa Centre for Health Journalism in South Africa which syndicates health and social justice features and analysis to the country's leading publications.
Podcast: Social media, democracy and dissent in Sri Lanka Meera Selva, Director of the Reuters Institute Journalism Fellowship Programme, addresses our closing seminar of the term with a presentation on the media situation in Sri Lanka.
Podcast: Social media, democracy and dissent in Sri Lanka Meera Selva, Director of the Reuters Institute Journalism Fellowship Programme, addresses our closing seminar of the term with a presentation on the media situation in Sri Lanka.
Protecting newsrooms from political pressures Bobby Ghosh, editorial board member at Bloomberg Opinion, explains how traditional revenue models in India make it challenging to resist external pressures on reporting – but there is a still way through it.
Protecting newsrooms from political pressures Bobby Ghosh, editorial board member at Bloomberg Opinion, explains how traditional revenue models in India make it challenging to resist external pressures on reporting – but there is a still way through it.
Podcast: The failure of political journalism In this seminar Helen Lewis articulates the failures of political journalists in terms of seven sins, starting with the ‘teleological view’ and ending with ‘the view from Versailles’.
Podcast: The failure of political journalism In this seminar Helen Lewis articulates the failures of political journalists in terms of seven sins, starting with the ‘teleological view’ and ending with ‘the view from Versailles’.
Reputation, trust and keeping watch Inga Thordar, executive editor of CNN Digital International, talks about industry best practice in fact-checking standards, and the idea of telling the truth now constituting activism.
Reputation, trust and keeping watch Inga Thordar, executive editor of CNN Digital International, talks about industry best practice in fact-checking standards, and the idea of telling the truth now constituting activism.