Oxford Editor & CEO Forum, 16th -17th April 2015
21 Apr 2015
The Reuters Institute last week gathered together a very distinguished group of news industry leaders, Editors in Chief and CEOs from 8 countries for 24 hours to learn from RISJ research and to share, off the record, their ideas and experience about how their organisations are confronting the key challenges of digital transformation.The forum included participants from Latin America (La Nación from Argentina) North America (The Huffington Post, The Washington Post and The Globe and Mail from Canada) but with the majority from Europe (the Irish Times, Berlingske, El País, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, the Guardian and the Financial Times). Issues covered included the dilemmas of freedom of expression presented by the fall-out from the Charlie Hebdo case, different approaches to dealing with digital intermediaries, the challenges of innovation in legacy news organisations, to the debate around sponsored content and the rules that should surround that. The gathering testifies to the role of the Reuters Institute in facilitating dialogue between industry leaders and researchers and was welcomed as a valuable and unique initiative. The forum has become an annual meeting of industry leaders aimed at sharing experience and stimulating new thinking, as well as contributing new insights and ideas that further enrich the research agenda and relevance of the work of the Reuters Institute.