Mitali Mukherjee stands in as Acting Director of the Reuters Institute from July to December 2023

She takes on the role until the end of the calendar year during Director Rasmus Nielsen’s parental and long-planned research leave
Mitali Mukherjee.

Mitali Mukherjee, Acting Director of the Reuters Institute from July to December 2023. 

7th July 2023

Mitali Mukherjee, Director of our Journalist Programmes, has agreed to stand in as Acting Director of the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism from Monday 10 July 2023 until the end of the calendar year. 

During this time, our Director Rasmus Nielsen will be away from the Institute on parental leave followed by a long-planned period of research leave. He will resume his work as Director in January 2024.

Mukherjee is a political economy journalist with more than two decades of experience in TV, print and digital journalism. She has been a Chevening Fellow and was nominated in 2020 to the prestigious Red Ink Awards in India for two of her business stories. Over the course of her journalistic career, she has been Consulting Business Editor at The Wire and Mint, and has co-founded two start-ups that focused on civil society and financial literacy.

At the Institute, she oversees all our Journalist Programmes including the flagship Fellowship Programme, the Oxford Climate Journalism Network, and other offers. She has also collaborated with colleagues on both leadership programmes and research publications. Mukherjee will continue with this work while also serving as Acting Director till Rasmus Nielsen returns in January 2024.

In response to the appointment, Mitali Mukherjee said: “I’m very proud to represent and support the work done by the Reuters Institute and our outstanding team. Our core mission and values at the Reuters Institute remain exploring the future of journalism worldwide through debate, engagement, and research.”

Rasmus Nielsen said: “It’s a privilege to leave the institute in such good hands, and with such a strong team in place across the board. I am sure I will return to find the Institute even better than it already is.”

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