Richard Fletcher, Director of Research of the Reuters Institute.
Richard Fletcher, Director of Research of the Reuters Institute.
Dr Richard Fletcher has been appointed Director of Research at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism. Dr Fletcher will oversee the institute’s research team and publications, including both the Institute's reports and academic work. He will be taking up the role with immediate effect.
“I am absolutely delighted with this appointment” says Professor Petra Schleiter, joint Head of the Department of Politics and International Relations of which the institute is part. “Richard combines an impressive overview of global challenges in the field of journalism with significant research management experience and a successful track record of working with major funders. This combination of skills and experience make him the perfect fit for the position of Director of Research.”
Dr Fletcher is an award-winning academic and has served as research team leader at the institute for several years. As Senior Research Fellow he is co-investigator on several major research projects including the Digital News Project and the Trust in News Project. In addition to frequent presentations of research to many different news media organisations, he has worked on reports for the European Parliament and serves as a member of the Council of Europe media resilience committee.
Responding to the appointment, Dr Fletcher said: “As journalism evolves, and as the way people access it changes, I believe there is a critically important role for research in mapping these changes across different countries. I’m delighted to be able to continue this work at the Institute”.
Rasmus Nielsen, Director of the Reuters Institute, said “Richard is a rare combination of an outstanding academic empirical researcher also fully committed to practically relevant work on the big, substantially important issues facing journalism around the world who is also highly respected for his commitment to mentorship and to enabling colleagues’ success. I personally have learned so much from working with him, and I know we all will benefit from working with him in his new role in the years ahead.”