Toshiya Kaba
Mr Kaba was born in 1962 in Nagoya City (Centre of Japan). He studied journalism at University of Waseda, Department of Education. His bachelor thesis title was 'Study for Peace Making by Satellite Broadcasting'. He joined the Expedition Club in that University and explored Irian Jaya, West part of New Guinea Island (Indonesian forbidden territory) for researching an unknown tribe and caves in this district. After he graduated, he joined The Tokyo Shimbun/The chunichi Shimbun.He is known as an Environment Journalist and at the same time known as a Disaster Correspondent. He reported the Tsunami disaster in Papua New Guinea , the Cable Car accident at Kaprun Austria, Ehime Maru (Japanese High School Bessel) maritime accident with U.S submarine in Hawaii, the big earth quake disaster that occurred in Banda Ache, North Sumatra Island, Indonesia. As an Environment Journalist, he has covered the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) held in Johannesburg 2002, and several conferences held by United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) such as Conference of Parties (COP) 6, 7,13 ,14 and the G8 summit held in Hokkaido, Japan. He is an experienced scientific diver. He researched an unknown island sank by a big earthquake in the Middle Ages in Japan and dived for environmental research at Red Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Southern Pacific Islands and Kelp Sea in California U.S.A. He also reported a story about young soldier victims who came from Southern Pacific Islands to join the U.S Navy and died in the Iraq War. He was a Desk Editor for Special Feature Pages for about three years and from August 2007, he returned to the front for combating Climate Change.