Tarjei Leer-Salvesen
Tarjei Leer-Salvesen is from Kristiansand, Norway, and works as an independent investigative journalist. His background is in newspapers such as the regional Fædrelandsvennen and the national newspapers Dagbladet and Klassekampen. He has contributed journalistic research to more than 30 documentary films on topics ranging from whistleblowing to trafficking, religious extremism, environmental problems, and the arms trade.
He trains journalists and teaches at the universities in Bergen and Stavanger. He has published three textbooks on investigative journalistic method and journalism ethics. His main area of expertise is the use of legislation to access public information as a journalistic tool.
He has various hobbies including producing artwork from unreadable redacted documents and slow food projects together with friends and colleagues.
Project topic: How do investigative journalists apply the right to access public information across borders?
Sponsor: Fritt Ord Foundation