Suren Musayelyan
Mr Musayelyan graduated in 2002 from the Department of the Russian and English Languages and Literature at the Valeriy Brusov State Linguistic University in Yerevan.
While studying he also worked at the Noyan Tapan Information and Analytical Center (in the news agency) where he also wrote for and edited a news bulletin and later a weekly newspaper.
In 2004, Mr Musayelyan completed a one-year PgDip/MA course in newspaper journalism at the Nottingham Trent University (UK). (Course paper on Postal Voting in the United Kingdom.
Since October of that same year till the present, he has worked as a reporter and managing editor (from December 2007) of the ArmeniaNow online weekly based in Yerevan. The online resource advocates Western-style journalism in Armenia and is part of a broader training centre for local journalists. It regularly appears with special editions (including in hard copy) dealing with specific issues (such as health, education, elections, tourism, etc.).
While on the job, Mr Musayelyan has written more than 400 articles and stories covering a wide range of topics – from politics, economy, and civil society to stories of human interest and entertainment. Suren has also taken a keen interest in covering sports events involving Armenian athletes in Armenia and abroad.
Since April 2005, he has also contributed on a regular basis to the website of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty's Armenian Service.