Panu Karhunen
Panu Karhunen works as a news editor for the ISTV. ISTV is the web TV of the Ilta-Sanomat, the biggest news site in Finland. Panu has been responsible for ISTV’s daily news producing.
Panu started his career as a journalist in 2001. Since 2002 he has worked as a reporter and news editor for different newspapers in the Sanoma Company, mostly for the Ilta-Sanomat. He has experience of both printed newspapers and digital news sites.
In recent years Panu has taken part in the development of the web site of the Ilta-Sanomat. As a news editor at ISTV he has developed daily news videos, live broadcasts and off-site-videos on different social media channels.
Panu graduated from Sanoma Company’s journalism school Sanoma Academy. Five trainee sessions in newspapers and magazines gave him experience of different styles of journalism.
Because Panu is especially interested in mobile journalism and mobile videos, at the Reuters Institute he will research how journalists can produce high-quality and cost-effective videos with smartphones.
In his spare time Panu like to cook delicious food (and eat it), read good books, watch quality TV series and ride a bicycle.