Olga Loiko
Olga has a Specialist degree in journalism from Belarusian State University and a Specialist degree in economics from Belarusian State Economic University. She worked as an observer in the Belorussian bureau of Russian news agency Interfax engaged in industry sector coverage, then for six years she worked for Prime-Tass News Service in Belarus. The project was anything but simple; it was the first attempt in Belarus to implement international standards of business journalism. Olga's focus of interest was fuel-and-power sector, industry, banking and finance, government and parliament activities reporting.
She currently works for the largest Belarusian privately owned Web portal TUT.BY (about 350 thousand visitors and more than 1.4 million pageviews per day). She provides live coverage of major economic domestic news, including developments of the president, government and parliament, as well as in the banking sector. Another essential area of responsibility - making economic programs for TV.TUT.BY. However Olga's main project is FINANCE.TUT.BY – the first Belarusian website about private finance with the latest news, an educational section and online advice.