Nevena Madžarević
Nevena is an editor and host of the Nova S morning show, and is equally dedicated to journalism and TV production. With 20 years of experience in television, she has worked as an author, producer and presenter of news and entertainment programmes, political debate shows, on several national television stations.
Her specialty is live coverages of significant local and international events such as the centennial celebration of the end of the Great War in 2018 and the Berlin Process in 2017.
In May 2020, she joined the United Media team at Nova S TV, where as a producer and presenter she started the morning show "Probudi se", which is now one of the most watched TV shows in the region.
Nevena is a frequent guest on regional conferences, such as Women's Weekend in Croatia, where she spoke about strengthening of women in the media, and she also participated in the traditional Weekend Media Festival, where she focused on the social media as the extension of the traditional media.
Nevena holds the Bachelor's Degree in film and TV production, and Master's Degree in journalism from the Faculty of Political Sciences.
Nevena’s project at the institute will look at ways to adapt traditional TV journalism for new formats.