Jayant Sriram
Jayant Sriram is a Senior Assistant Editor with The Hindu, one of India’s leading English dailies, where he specialises in news features and long form journalism.
Jayant is currently based in Mumbai and writes on a range of topics from urban development and affordable housing, to heritage conservation and social entrepreneurship. He also contributes extensive field reports from around the state of Maharashtra on issues including agriculture, industrial labour and crime.
Jayant started his career as a sub-editor with The New Indian Express in Chennai, before moving to Delhi as a legal reporter with The Indian Express. He later moved to the political bureau of India Today, India’s largest English magazine, where he wrote and reported on the intersection between law, policy and government.
Jayant joined The Hindu’s national bureau in Delhi in 2014, reporting on law and politics, while frequently reporting on breaking news events from around the country. In late 2015, he moved cities to help launch the Mumbai edition of The Hindu.
Jayant holds a Bachelor’s degree in History from St. Stephen’s College, Delhi University and a Master’s degree in Global Media from The School of Oriental and African Studies in London. He was born in Chennai, has lived in Mumbai and Delhi, and considers all three cities home.