Javier Moreno
Javier Moreno is a member of the Reuters Institute's Advisory Board.
Moreno graduated in Chemistry before going into journalism in 1992. He worked at the Business and Foreign Desks of El País and worked from Berlin and México before becoming editor-in-chief of Cinco Días, a business newspaper, in 2003. In May 2006, he became the fourth editor-in-chief of El País, a role he kept until February 2014. Under his leadership, the newspaper published big scoops such as the State Department cables and documents proving the slush fund scandal of the Spanish conservative party.
After stepping down, Moreno was Dean of the UAM-EL PAÍS School of Journalism. In June 2018, he was appointed editor-in-chief of El País in America. In 2020, he was reappointed editor-in chief of El País. He stayed in this post until July 2021, when he was re-appointed Dean of the UAM-EL PAÍS School of Journalism.