Hans van Kranenburg
Hans van Kranenburg is full professor of corporate strategy at Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen School of Management, the Netherlands. He is Head of the Strategy Group at the Department of Business Administration. Professor van Krakenburg was a visiting scholar at Media Management and Transformation Center at Jönköping International Business School (Sweden), University of Navarra (Spain) and the University of Chicago (USA). He was Head of Business Administration and Director of Research Programme, Responsible Organisation at Nijmegen School of Management. He has published on subjects including strategic behaviour of organisations, industry dynamics, alliances and networks, foreign direct investments, and non-market strategies. He is also an expert in media management and economics. Professor van Kranenburg has advised companies such as publishing and chemical companies on strategic and anti-trust issues. He is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Media Economics, the International Journal of Media Management and the Journal of Media Business Studies. He has published in books and international journals including the Journal of Law and Economics, Journal of International Business Studies, International Business Review, British Journal of Management, Global Strategy Journal, Industry and Corporate Change, Journal of Media Economics, Managerial and Decision Economics, International Journal of Industrial Organisation, Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organisation, Telecommunications Policy. He is co-author of the book Management and Innovation in the Media Industry (2009).His research as a visiting fellow will include authoring Innovation Policies in the European News and Media Industry: A Comparative Study. The book will explore types of media innovation policies formulated and implemented in various countries in Europe and their importance. It will help identify and evaluate how they are stimulating innovation in journalism and news media and compare the development of traditional news media markets in these countries. It aims to determine what the best practices of innovation policies are to stimulate innovation in a rapidly changing news media landscape. He also will co-author Nonmarket Strategic Management, a book which aims to explain the role and importance of nonmarket environments. It will identify and evaluate major strategic implications and issues stemming from the nonmarket setting in order to identify strategic manners to manage such influences.