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Dr Sarah Anne Ganter

Research Associate

Sarah Anne Ganter (PhD, University of Vienna, 2017) is a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the School of Communication at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada. She is also a research associate at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at the University of Oxford, UK where she worked previously as a research fellow. Her main research interests include media governance and media policy in the digital era, content industries, comparative and cross-border research and qualitative methods.

Dr. Ganter is the recipient of the competitive Marietta – Blau Scholarship funded by the Austrian Ministry of Research and Science which she used for conducting fieldwork in South America. In 2014, her sole-authored paper “What about geographies? Border-crossing intertextuality in national, audiovisual policy documents.” was awarded the Top Student Paper Award in the Communication Law and Policy Section of the European Communication Research Association (ECREA).

Dr. Ganter has published in New Media and Society, the European Journal of Communication, The Qualitative Report, the Medien Journal and in various international book projects. Her academic background is in Journalism and Communications (PhD, University of Vienna, Austria), International Communications (MA, University of Leeds, UK), Applied Languages, Cultural Area and Economic Studies (MA, University of Passau, Germany) and International Cultural and Business Studies (Lic, Universidad del Salvador, Argentina).

Sarah served four years as the YECREA Communication Law and Policy representative, is a member of several communication studies associations, such as the German Communication Association (DGPuK), the International Communication Association (ICA) and Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GigaNet). Additionally, Dr. Ganter serves regularly as reviewer for internationally ranked journals and conferences such as Communication Theory, the European Journal of Communication, ICA, IAMCR and ECREA.

For a complete overview over Sarah’s research, please consult her Google scholar profile or her personal website.