Anja Kröll
Anja Kröll is head of the department for Austrian & International News at the daily published quality paper Salzburger Nachrichten which is circulated nationwide. She is a visiting fellow at the Reuters Institute of Journalism at Oxford University for the 2015 Michaelmas term.
Kröll's work has taken her to different disaster zones around the world, accompanying Austrian aid agencies to cover stories about the Haiti earthquake, the struggle with poverty in Ethiopia, civil war in South Sudan, child labour in Niger and Burkina Faso, the damage after tropical storm Yolanda at the Philippines and women living with HIV in Swaziland. Kröll produced feature stories exploring the complex dynamics of poverty, education and empowerment of women in different local contexts, and she was asked to cover the Josef Fritzl trial as international correspondent for Sky News in 2009.
Kröll began her career as a journalist in 2006 at the the biggest yellow press paper in Austria, the Kronenzeitung. A year later, in 2007 she joined the department for Austrian News at the Salzburger Nachrichten: Initially based at the headquarters in Salzburg, Kröll relocated to Vienna in September 2010, where she became head of department for Austrian and International News.
Kröll was ranked in the 2014 Best 30 journalist under 30 published by the leading industry journal Der Österreichische Journalist.
Kröll holds a master degree in media management from the University of Applied Science in St. Pölten, Austria.