Andrew Currah
Dr Andrew Currah is a lecturer in the School of Geography and the Environment at the University of Oxford. He studied Geography at the University of Cambridge, before moving to the University of Southampton to complete a Masters, and then back to Cambridge to complete his Doctorate. Since 2001, Andrew has completed research at York University, University of Washington and most recently, the University of California at Los Angeles. Andrew is also a research associate of the Oxford Internet Institute, an analyst on Internet and Technology for Oxford Analytica, and a Fellow of Worcester College, Oxford.Although an economic geographer by training - with a broad interest in the economic and geographical relationships between technology, innovation and industry structure - his current work is concerned with the changing structure of the media and entertainment industries in a digitally networked economic and social environment. Andrew is the author of an RISJ publication, What's Happening to Our News, part of our CHALLENGES series. See his personal web site for more details about his work, research and publications: http://www.andrewcurrah.com.