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Alexandre Léchenet

Data Journalist, Le Monde

Alexandre Léchenet has been a computer assisted reporter at Le Monde in Paris since 2011 and is currently a journalist fellow at Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism for Michaelmas term 2014. 

Alexandre is part of « Les Décodeurs », a Le Monde web based team of journalists focusing on fact-checking, stock journalism and data journalism. In the team, he mainly uses data to portray the news.

As a computer assisted investigator, he uses computers and the Internet to help investigation. Working on a variety of topics from web scraping doctor’s fare to uncovering police bonuses. He is also working on cross-border investigations like OffshoreLeaks.

After studying computer science in Université Pierre et Marie Curie and Université Paris 8, Alexandre joined a web-agency, La Netscouade, for two years. He did social media management and social media monitoring and worked on several projects, this included aggregating tweets from journalists and politics or producing Twitter map's.

Then, Alexandre joined OWNI in 2011. OWNI is a pure-player focused on web culture and data-journalism and was partner with Wikileaks. He was their data-journalist and project manager.

Alexandre has been teaching, mainly in Bordeaux journalism school IJBA since 2012 and is the co-host of Hacks/Hackers meetups in Paris. He also participates in « Nichons-nous dans l’Internet », a magazine about Internet culture and art.