Former fellow wins Human Rights Press Award 2014
14 May 2015
Congratulations to former fellow, Chester Yung (2001-02) who is the recipient of a Human Rights Press Award 2014 in Hong Kong.Chester and colleagues, Deb Price and Sara Schonhardt, were awarded this prize for their reporting work on the story “No Good Choices” published in the Wall Street Journal. Hong Kong is home to hundreds of thousands of women from Indonesia and the Philippines who work as “helpers” in pursuit of meager wealth. They are an indispensable part of the city’s vibrant economy and society. But incidents of abuse often stay hidden from public view. “No Good Choices” follows one woman’s tale as she seeks to put her life back together after a horrific crime. View the full list of Human Rights Press Award Winners 2014 via the Foreign Correspondents’ Club, Hong Kong website