The Journalists Under Pressure Fund is a new fund for people to donate any sum of money, to help journalists operating in difficult conditions join the Reuters Institute's Journalist Fellowship Programme. The programme gives journalists worldwide new skills and opportunities to meet the challenges of the industry and return to journalism with new energy.
Good journalism equips people with the information they need to make the best decisions for their lives. Around the world, that mission is under threat from sustained attacks against press freedom. At the Reuters Institute, we aim to support journalism by giving journalists and editors the data, networks and spaces they need to meet the challenges facing our industry.
Our Journalist Fellowship programme has run for 38 years and has brought over 700 journalists to Oxford to learn, connect and return to their newsroom revived and with new networks to help them in their work.
Please consider donating any amount – even £25 will make a huge difference – to support our Journalists Under Pressure Fund, which helps journalists from trouble zones join our fellowship programme. Your donation will help us support more journalists who need skills and solidarity to cope with hostile environments, whether in the shape of dictatorial governments, online attacks or war zones
Please donate to our fund in the link below. Donors from the United States who would like to donate tax efficiently can do so here. For any questions, contact the director of the Journalist Fellowship Programme Meera Selva at