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About us

Connecting academic research to industry challenges

The Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism is a globally focused research centre at the University of Oxford. We track the world’s media, its trends, developments and forecasts. We connect relevant and engaging academic research with journalistic practice, linking rigorous analysis with practical experience. Established in 2006, we’re based at the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Oxford.

Global leaders in research

The Reuters Institute has a growing team of in-house academics, who act with the rigour and transparency demanded by one of the world’s leading universities. We also work with our Visiting Fellows, research associates, and in collaboration with other researchers, both across the University of Oxford and from other leading research organisations.  

In a dynamically shifting global journalism industry, we track the ever-shifting trends, changes and advancements, aiming to connect rigorous academic research with the practical experiences of professional journalists, media managers and policymakers.

Our focus is on internationally comparative research, and we conduct and facilitate research that addresses the most significant issues facing journalists and media organisations in a rapidly developing industry.  

Our research is conducted by a team of in-house academics, along with Visiting Fellows, research associates, and in collaboration with other researchers, both across the University of Oxford and from other leading global universities. 

Support for our research comes from a variety of academic funding bodies, foundations, non-profit and NGOs as well as industry partners. Find out more about who supports us, and how you or your organisation can support our work, here.

We publish numerous reports each year, including our Digital News Project series, which includes our annual Reuters Institute Digital News Report.

A new partnership with Columbia University Press, launching in 2017, will see us continue to publish our book series.

Global connections

The Reuters Institute’s international Fellowship Programme works with high-potential, mid-career journalists to support them for a period of time away from the newsroom as they focus on an area of research, and gain perspective on the shifting landscape of global journalism.

With access to world-class teaching and learning facilities and crucial development of their professional networks, the Journalism Fellowship Programme marks the RISJ’s commitment to influence the standards of international journalism.

The programme has run since 1983, and journalist fellows are granted visiting scholar status at Green Templeton College.

Influence and impact

The Reuters Institute brings together leading academic research with key industry influencers with a series of events aimed at fostering debate and discussion around important industry challenges. Our annual Editor and CEO Forum sees editors-in-chief and CEOs from news organisations around the world join us in Oxford to share experiences around key challenges, including digital transformation.

We aim to act as a focal point for debate, discussion and ideas sharing between leading academics and key media policy-makers.