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Nicholas Owens

Nicholas Owen

Joint Head of the Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford

Nicholas Owen is the joint Head of the Department of Politics and International Relations of the University of Oxford, along with Petra Schleiter. Petra Schleiter leads on research, finance, the REF, recognition of distinction and the award of titles. He leads on teaching and courses, non-academic HR, communications, development, building matters, and health and safety. He also represents the Department on the Divisional Board. They divide up the work in academic recruitment and staff review and development, as well strategic planning, governance, risk management and equality and diversity.   

He is an Associate Professor in Politics (CUF) and Fellow and Praelector in Politics at The Queen's College. For the Department, he provides undergraduate lectures and classes, mostly in British political history and modern British politics and government, and supervises graduate students in the fields of modern British politics and government, political history and the politics and history of modern social movements. At Queen’s, he is Praelector (Tutor) in Politics, which means organising the teaching of Politics for the undergraduates studying Philosophy, Politics and Economics, and History and Politics. He provides tutorials for students at Queen’s College (and at other colleges too) who are studying the core and optional papers on British government and politics. He also supervises undergraduates writing theses in these areas.  

His research website is